

Mad catz teamed up with Nerf at one point, they had an xbox controller with fans and vents in the handles, it was kinda nice. 

For example?

RIP Unreal Tournament 

Nothing will beat the Burger King games that came out for the Xbox 360 a number of years ago

I’m sorry to be pessimistic but are you getting paid to advertise this game? not that I think you would do that, but kotaku seems to have a real hardon for this game.

2002 Chevy Blazer in that weird copper/gold color. I got it because it needed a new catalytic converter, my mom got a new car and said if I wanted to fix it I could keep the car. That was a fun car to fool around in, had 2x4 and 4x4 for the snow storms in Rochester and the factory option Bose speakers. It was also a

Im with you, sometimes I drop a duce and my friends just thought I took a leak

I really feel your wedding gift response. I went to a childhood friends wedding (first of our group) Spent $500 on the flight and another $400 on the hotel, not to mention $90+ on drinks the first night. Everyone was giving $200 in their cards, but I could only afford $80. I felt bad but in the grand scheme of things

I know the article is for the steak fingers, but that garlic bread in the first picture looks top notch!

My controller turning off when I’m trying to watch Netflix can get a little annoying. However the xbox mini remote that turns on when picked up mostly fixed the issue.

I have the Soundcore Liberty Lite, and I use them independently while one is charging all the time. Although now I think of it I usually keep the right one in with the left charging most of the time. Maybe the right one is required while the left is optional? Ill try and do a test when I get home tonight. 

I have the Soundcore Liberty Lite, and I use them independently while one is charging all the time. Although now I

Micro-transactions are bullshit, however a monthly subscription for a mobile game? That’s absolutely ridiculous

Baja Blast still has the title for best Mtn Dew flavor. And the tie in mobile game was great because you could win real prizes pretty easily.

Wind waker HD and Marion Sunshine would make me very very happy 

That was my #1 favorite sauce from any fast food

I hear you, I ran out of gas on the way to work today. That was fun

Ohh I have one for this! I used to have a 2002 Chevy Blazer when I was in college. Once time after driving a friend home from a Rascal Flats concert, I got a call that another friend needed a ride too. So I turn around and before long I see the Red & Blue flashing behind me. I pulled over and was told that not one but

I mean that was what I was thinking when reading your first post

Anyone else find it fishy that Burger king stopped selling them a few days before Wendy’s announced they were coming back?