
I hope so

Please tell us more about this Enchirito!

It would be cool if just one of these were available for xbox . . .

You’re not wrong, however the numbers get even more complicated when you remember Vanguard is a steaming pile of shit. Modern Warfare and Cold War were the best CoD in the past 10 years, Warzone only beefed up those numbers. Vanguard is trash and activision is all like “ohh it’s because of the WW2 setting” . . . No

Yeah, its awful. Take a look at Epic games and Unreal Tournament or even Gears of War. Two Excellent gaming franchises left to wither and die because “oh kids like Fortnite”. It makes me very angry, I would give my left arm for a new Unreal game. I’ll say it, “Fortnite is trash” it’s not fun, and it’s more predatory

I put the creamy jalapeno on just about everything 

Except you’re wrong about the last part. An ignition interlock is required by law, a speed limiter is not. 

Looks a lot like the first level of Doom 3, and that’s not a bad thing

Of all the reboots, remasters, and remakes, Unreal Tournament is the one that I want the most, Hands Down 


Seawall Battery looks exactly like AS-Overlord map in Unreal Tournament 

Are new codes added to the bottom of the list or are they mixed in?

Quake 2 looks much better with ray tracing on

I did that on my 2006 300C, was pretty upset

Hitler vs Stalin: The Battle for Bottom

Kotaku clearly has been losing people left and right, and at this rate, the site is likely to get shut down for promoting piracy. Patricia needs to step in.”

I really hope its a remaster where they update the controls. I have the 360 arcade versions, and the controls have not aged well

Saints Row IV was a fantastic video game that was a blast to play. That being said it was a terrible Saints Row game, Only the Agents of Mayhem spinoff was worse. 

I had this issue happen to my xbox one last week. As far as I know I didn’t sign up for the insiders program. But regardless the system told me it was updating, and when finished I could not get the dashboard or anything to load. Factory reset fixed the issue. 

Im in the same boat, I love my Series X and its all super simple, I just wish they had a few more console exclusives. So far all the games I’ve played I also could have gotten on my Xbox One