
Its extremely helpful, Ive been a user since late 2015 and have earned (and spent) $94.57 at this point.

I have a similar story from this past January. I slid on some ice and ended up rear ending my housemates parked car. I have a Chrysler 300c and he has a Chrysler 200S, My entire front end had to be replaced, shattered the grill, broke the actual bumper in a few places, needed a new headlight and trim pieces. His car

Goddamn was Man on Fire a good movie

What about if you’re crossing the street, and cross my lane. Can I drive through the crosswalk while your walking across the second side of the road?

Im still waiting for my 300 Hellcat

Because oddly kotaku didnt cover it

  • A backup camera

Im more focused on that Pinsir evolution, he was my favorite as a kid.

Wait, season pass holders get Far Cry 3?

I had a 1996 dodge intrepid as my first car. My driving instructor would always refer to it as “The Boat” I got it for $750 and loved it as any kid loves their first car. Then the tranny went . . . then the crank shaft bearings spun and melted. . . then the tranny went again . . . then the engine went again . . . then

Garlic powder, chrushed red pepper, salt, pepper, ranch and Franks red hot. (and in some cases some Habanero cheese). This combo works on almost everything.

you know, I almost said borderlands. I guess I just played Destiny more recently so it was on my mind.

I’ve wandered over a few times but not regularly.

Am I the only one that thinks it looks a bit too much like a Destiny clone?

No, and driving in flip flops is also unacceptable.

Well I know at least the rotors are different. I have a 2006 Chrysler 300C with the 5.7 Hemi. I went to replace my rotors quite recently and they asked if I had the police package. Knowing that I had an optioned out C with AWD, I assumed I did not have the police package. Lo and behold after taking the old rotors off

I wish it was for the switch instead

Thats the wine guy right?

And just like the McLaren, something I only get to see online and never in person . . .

This one reminds me of the days I would play Doom 3 in my room with the lights off. Anytime my parents came in my room I nearly shat myself.