
Exactly, I mean why else base it in San Francisco?

Absolutely, just don't ask me to pick up the tab.

Sorry but if some one is tailgating you in the left lane, it's your fault.

That's the most brilliant thing I've read this year! Seriously, well done!

Did the Fireproof windscreen just fall off my ship?!?!

Every superhero team needs their Cyclops.

I love my Razor Megalodon and I've been quite happy with the 7.1 on that, but I'd trade the crappy volume control for the one on this in a heartbeat. A truly terrible design on an otherwise wonderful piece of equipment. I'm not at all surprised this is getting good reviews.

Not that I don't agree with the article, but I'm not a big fan of having really sharp objects jammed into my utensil drawer. If you can keep yours more organized than me, good for you. I just don't like the thought of absentmindedly reaching for something and losing a finger.

So they could off Vince Foster but couldn't handle Obama? The crazy knows no bounds.

No one seems to get that these days.


Was really hoping that the Bullit homage would be worth the 2 hours of drudgery but in the end, it was mostly meh. I haven't looked at the ratings for this show but I'm probably done myself. Sorry Hurly :(

Big win for Americans? I don't know any of my countrymen that waste time hating on the Brits, not a single one. We don't hate you, we hardly think about you! You've got bad teeth and you can't cook, otherwise we find you nearly as lovable as those silly Canadian's.

I never got to the debunking either.

Swoon! I totally have the hots for her.

That series certainly merits a mention IMHO.

Hear, hear! I had Total Annihilation installed on my computer right up until it was released and still have this installed now. My only regret is that I spent money on that abomination of a sequel they did.

As a kid I lived in a little town in Alabama but moved to Iowa before high school and all I can tell you is that Catholics drink wayyy more than Baptists, which incidentally makes them a hell of a lot more fun to be around.

I'm told they have the Swampers and if your lucky they'll pick a song or too...

Whoa missed that, current Doctor?