
Just like the first one, what's the point of all the back story if your not going to use it?

What's a cubic? Classic!

Heh, would have liked to seen you take on the Baylor debate team circa 93-95. They were pretty much unstoppable, and I don't say that as a fan.

California doesn't excel in Science, test scores and graduation rates actually put Cali in the bottom half of the states. This is a measure of standards, not results.

Considering the results of the school systems of California and DC, I'm having a hard time believing these standards are all that effective.

Nailed it, and you can tell by the wounded sense of entitlement littering the comments thread.

It was raised because of fear tactics and faulty data, and the Federal government telling states that they wouldn't see any more money for their roads if they didn't raise the age.

Isn't this the whole point of Gawker media though? Only rather than forcing people to do their own hate reading you do it for them and then deliver it in predigested dollops like a mother bird to her young?

Still hiding Breanne from us, I really hope that means Gwen Cristie was as good as GRRM thought she was and they want it to be a surprise.

The riddle, when told in the book, doesn't really correspond with those three characters, or any characters really, that's a bit of artistic license in the trailer I think.

As long as we are talking rusty garden shears kind and not the chemical kind, I'm with you.

Oh, so you are warriors after all. Leave them one crate, for the cause...

I knew I couldn't have been the first person to think of this.

And much, much, better.

But your question weighs human life against human life, not the same thing. In fact, your question really just makes what your saying a circular argument, can't you see that?

Amazed that so many people make that argument in this thread without considering that!

Last I checked both of there respective companies were in much better shape than RIM and in at least the case of Apple, it's a direct result of Jobs presence. Exactly the opposite of what we have here.

"i too think tablets are useless..."

Hear hear! I never could get over the terrible dialog

Amazing, true genius!