
I just keep saying that to myself when I see people here say it would make a shitty movie.

I disagree, I think doing the movie in a documentary style where all these stories are seen as flash backs (which is basically what the book is) would have worked fabulously. Think something along the lines of Band of Brothers.

That's pretty close.

For all of you complaining about ruining your eyes long term with LCD's, could you maybe provide a little evidence on that? Because I'm not finding it...

Your a dick for assuming you have any insight and for assuming that what you've seen with your nieces and nephews (It's always the nieces and nephews with you people!) is what actually happens in those households when your not around.

I wouldn't mind checking out some of the wine of the wraith of god they're talking about over there. Sounds way better than Mad Dog!


I don't really have one past meet violence with violence as far as anarchists are concerned, the state, broken as it may be, suits my needs just fine.

No problem with the Oxford though right?

From Wiki - Anarchism has been variously defined by sources. Most often, the term describes the political philosophy which considers the state undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful, and instead promotes a stateless society, or anarchy.

Proper anarchists would be more organized?

Kids and electronics, the only subject where teens and 20 somethings start to sound like my grandmother.

I would gladly read any information you can provide showing a direct correlation between using computers in your youth and poor vision in your later years.

I'm glad you've come to your senses. Because you know, you'd be a complete dick to suggest reading a few fucking books gave you any sort of valid insight.

It wants to know if you've found the stones.

You make the internet a better place my friend!

I trust that these are all fake because you say so, but I'm really getting a burn it with fire vibe from all of this stuff!!

I remember reading Perdido Street Station and that I couldn't read anything else for a month afterward. That man can write.

Chocolate and Peanut Butter baby!!!

The format would have worked so perfectly as a mock-documentary I guess I thought anyone with a fucking brain would have just kept it that way. The way it's written is what sets it apart from all the other crap zombie movies that have been released for the last 10 years.