
You might want to brush up on your understanding of Philippine independence, that's actually a classic example of American imperialism. The wiki page on the Treaty of Paris should be enough.

Never worked in the legal, financial, or military worlds have you?

Ever held a magnetron? I have, the weigh less than 10 lbs.

And I love how your "Dr" Levengood, lied about having a PHD. LOL, damn those skeptics!!!

"Of course, science will rule the latter sort of data out, essentially because it's still engaged in its long imagined war between enlightened truth-giving scientists and a fundamentally unhinged public that believes only in demons. But that's just science's self-congratulatory mythology, and it allows for a certain

You know Levengood didn't use double blind testing in his "research" right? Tell me, how familiar are you with the scientific method?

Seriously, you actually wonder why a scientist might just shrug their shoulders and say your full of shit?

Please do provide the links to these infinity more perfect circles you speak of.

Considering some of the best engineering schools in the country are in rural areas, yes, I'd bet it's pretty much as you describe.

So turn the blades off.

Wow anti-science much? You take a pretty strong stance here to not have an opinion on the subject.

I'm inclined toward sympathy for the man but the guy never actually hurt his daughter right? Also not a fan of this hazy line between having sex with teenagers and having sex with children. I can't seem to find out how old he was when he got slapped with the sex offender label, I'd really like to know his age at the

I've seen hacking forums that have this policy.

Used to play the crap out of the Renegades mod as a Heavy. There was a concussion weapon you had that could launch the heavy like a rocket jump without taking damage. If you used it right, you could jump between the floating bases on one of the maps, can't remember the name but it made for a pretty hectic battle.

Fools!!! Did they think they could hide from us forever?

Well, I'd bet Battlefield Earth is there due to a concentrated effort by the Scientologists, not sure I know anyone who read it that really liked it. Also those alt history Eric Flint novels are pretty f'ing weak, but damn, this is a pretty tight list of SF/F.

What's so funny about a modern day samurai delivering pizza's for the mob in a race car getting owned by a 13 year old girl on a futuristic skateboard?

I'd like to see the intro to the next one where the Enterprise warps right up to the Botany Bay, launches a few torpedo's at it, then warps away, without anyone having said anything.

I supposed I should have known that walking into it as it sort of mentions the whole role playing aspect in the title!

I really wanted to get into LARP'ing just to learn about sword play, but when I went to a couple of meetings it became apparent understanding the fundamental's of swordsmanship is mostly non-existent. These folks, nice as they are (and they are to a fault which is why I'm trying not to be offensive), were just not my