
Of all the tools my wife had with our newborn, I distinctly remember her saying multiple times that the hands-free girdle thingy was worth it's weight in gold.

I can't think of a better way to increase funding for space across the board than to find evidence of alien life.

The problem, and I'm really not trying to troll you, is that you simply have no concept of what motivates a truly alien species. There are good arguments to be made about the stupidity of them coming here to steal our water and women, but with no possible way to be sure, and considering everything that is humanity is

I wonder if we will get the stereotypical bar scene where the guys go out and bond over a big fight.

We need a poll, mostly because the Browncoats won't have an entry.

The Zorg ZR-1 is all I would add and Kudo's for pointing out Jimmy DeGriz used a needler 30 years before Halo.

The Zorg ZR-1 is all I would add and Kudo's for pointing out Jimmy DeGriz used a needler 30 years before Halo.

And they didn't even need the internet, whatsamatter Browncoats?

Not up on your Heinlein or your Zappa are you there sport?

They make triple ended dildos?!

Hear, Hear!!

Happens all the time in San Francisco, I can't believe they let the "Massage Parlors" stay in business downtown.

@Rufus Honker IV

Hasn't happened yet, and when it does, it's not going to be a "major defeat". I'm so sick of you nasty little fan boys pretending one system or the other is somehow light-years better.

I don't have a dog in that race because I own them both, but the PS3 has not outsold the Xbox yet.

Oh man, sooooo good!

She's probably too old, but I would have liked to see Allison Scagliotti from Warehouse 13 as YT, hell, her character is already pretty much YT attitude wise.

Ha, Titan, man I haven't thought of that book in ages! I agree, with the right team, it would be brilliant. Also how could I have forgotten Rama, good good stuff.

Suggesting any Harry Harrison other than the Stainless Steel Rat (or perhaps even the West of Eden stuff) is... misguided. Also where's Snowcrash, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, and for God's sake Ringworld? The Forever war is being done and Scalzi just got a deal for his Old Man's War series

I'm a bit meh on another Conan movie but I'm afraid I have too much of a man-crush on Jason Momoa not to go see it.