
Keep licking those boots. For the majority of these tech and finance jobs, you don’t need to be in the office, thats it. During the pandemic we saw huge growth in the S&P500 and stocks overall went to the moon. Since that has always been the sign of success, I am going to say WFH does work. Now if business what to

Bullshit, these last three years proved you 100% wrong.

If you can’t tell if someone is in the office or not, then that person can work from home. No reason to force them into the office if things are exactly the same.

The Welfare Queen myth has been debunked over and over, but clearly that news didn’t make it to you during your free time working on the Help Desk.

Thanks Tucker. 

Blame the economy for layoffs resulting from a massive management fuck up!

As opposed to a massive 7 passenger ICE that gets crappy gas mileage? So what you are really upset about is the idea that people have families and want to drive them places right?

He also seems to forget that many people have families and drive to vacation spots. You can only get so small before you have to leave little Timmy at home and pack the whole family’s gear in a single duffle bag.

Huge EV with massive battery (because they will be massive) drive me crazy. Yeah save the planet.

Or just buy the $20-30k EVs instead and save the $50k+ for the more wealthy buyers, just like gas car buying has been done for decades with minimal complaint.

I rarely side with automakers or dealers, but damn these owners suck and just need to deal with it. This is literally how every consumer product works. Unless there was a contract or documentation stating these would never be made again... too fucking bad? This is what you get for overpaying for stupid vehicles.

Where’s the moral outrage about an obviously mentally ill person being unjustly kill by (multiple) police officers?

I have to disagree, the driver threatened the officers, then reached for a firearm that after the event was on the floor on the passenger side. the only way that gun moves from his holster to the floor is if he was pulling it from the holster so this was 100% a case where the force was justified. He intended to shoot

Excess violence?? You kidding me?? The guy tried to pull a gun on a bunch of police officers.

They’re not designed to have that kind of range. They’re meant for relatively short, semi-fixed delivery routes with plenty of downtime to charge overnight. 

Then why are they buying an F150 in the first place? These types of comments make no damn sense.

How many people tow a 10,000 lb trailer with any F-150 regularly for long distances?  I see people that drive any significant distance getting HD trucks because they are more stable at highway speeds.

Then why are they buying an F150 in the first place? These types of comments make no damn sense.

Fortunately, there are tons of people whose use case doesn’t include “towing 10,000 trailers far”, including families/people using trucks as commuters and family haulers and tons of fleet vehicles used for “truck stuff” every day.

Maybe, but how far can you go in a fossil fuel powered one?