
I can’t wait for the dealers to go the way of the dinosaurs. There is hardly a worse bunch of useless parasites in the animal world than car dealers.

and this has also made dealers unlikely allies for buyers”

You know what else looks good? A sky full of undiminished stars.

Too me adding all these LEDs to such an iconic structure is as tacky as gluing sequins and feathers onto the Mona Lisa or adding a floor or new addition to an Eichler ranch. Save the golly-gee-whiz trick lighting for the bland new builds that need bells and whistles to generate visual interest and relight the Bay

I mean, if the bridge is safe enough without the lights, why are we wasting energy on lights?  Nighttime’s bright enough as it is and light pollution is a real thing.

Much like Apple, Tesla is very good at making a superior product.

stop simping for billionaires. you will never be one.

If you think iPhones don’t need scientific breakthroughs you are sorely mistaken. They contain breakthroughs all the time, in multiple subcomponents, including camera modules, solid-state lidar, displays, radio transceivers, antennas, batteries, silicon chip SoC and so on and so forth.

I feel like a solar powered charging station for your personal EV would be the way to go.

Yeah, it is almost like wage growth has stagnated and the guarantee of a yearly raise and bonus that boomers grew up with dried up after their 40 years in the workforce.

tbh, it might not really be a zoomer thing. if you’re young and making shitty money and the average price of a new car is like $40K, then there you go.

But there would be fewer clicks if they said that in the article....

Why not both?

Call me uppity, but $92K gets me this? The hard black plastic and chintzy control nobs scream Chevy Cruise.

Tesla seems to not care too much about customer relations. Given that they used to be purely supply constrained with no credible competition but are now looking at a changing market place, that might be something they’ll want to rethink.

“You don’t take out a loan for an iPhone,”

This isn’t a matter of justifying salary. This is a mindset of putting quarterly earnings over any and every other consideration. The line goes up. Despite record profits, there are layoffs. Why? Because if the record profits aren’t record enough, your shareholders will wreck the company until they get their extra

i dunno about any of you but i have been losing money for about a year in the market so i would pay down even a 2% interest debt. except now is a good time to buy stock. fuck i dunno what i’m doing. but i do know that sitting in a new car makes me feel better about the world turning to shit.

we are not surprised that tech companies operate that way. We are exhausted that every company in the world operates in the same way! There’s a difference.

You did read the part of the article that said that there where no good ways to make the chrome plating clean and that the only way that is somewhat effective instead releases PTFA?