
5th gear:


Was it mufflers that don’t muffle? Crossing fingers.

Somehow I don’t think the people who are getting a $150k performance SUV are gonna really mind having to pay $150 bucks to fill this thing up.

I had to search way too far for this.

It’s called “fixation”. As motorcycle riders know it’s, “you go where you looking”.

This will be the first recession in history caused by too much consumer demand and not enough supply.

That’s Capitalism and the marketing machine for you.

Have you seen the used market lately? It’s just as insane - if not moreso. Supply is down, and demand is strong, meaning there just aren’t enough cars for everyone. That means it’s a seller’s market and dealers are capitalizing on that. The market isn’t like this because of consumer behavior or “keeping up with the

This new truck feels more like a car than a tractor. It’s bullshit!

The passage of time alone guarantees that the new Scout will be way better than the original in every single way.

“Please just make one (1) affordable EV, GM. I’ll buy it, I promise.”

What right to privacy are you talking about?  The only one in America is about medical privacy, and the undoing of that one is about to start.

Lighting served a useful purpose when phones were still using a confusing mix of USB-Mini and USB-Micro. Since all other phones standardized on USB-C, Lighting should be abandoned.

Half of the US senate is over 70. Half. 1/4 is over 80. They give absolutely zero fucks about anything. Like 50 members of congress are over 70. I think close to half are over 60. They have no fucks to give about the future either. So no no they dont. 

That’s not how societal growth happens. There was no “plan”, just like there is no plan for how economies will work 100 years from now. ‘

Sounds so easy!

I know. I mean, I still remember the day watching a coworkers Guilia Quadrofoglio burn down in the parking garage. No one trusts gasoline anymore, don’t you know that stuff is flammable?

You do realize gas cars, especially super cars, Hyundai’s, BMWs, and Minis catch fire more often than EVs do?

yes, we’re all aware of what that is. most of those entries have 1-2 incidents listed. and let’s not pretend that car-b-cues don’t happen in ICE’s all the time. one of my favorite things about amazon photo memories is I get to see all the burning cars I passed during commutes over the last decade.