
Another problem is if you’re good at your job at your position, it hard to rise because they have to replace you with someone who is not as good.

Having been in the hospital a few times as a patient, I’ve seen a small amount of the bullshit nurses had to put up with. I didn’t think they got paid enough and that was before CoVID.

Capitalists sure do hate it when they find themselves on the other side of the supply/demand equation. Suddenly then govt. intervention is a good thing. Bunch of evil vultures. 

Centuries of treating white people different than POC. 

Then your partner has no ethics which at some point will come up in your relationship. When people habitually do shitty things, that tells you a lot about their overall personality and the risks you’re running.

Yeah. Red flags either way.

If this is a romantic partner... make better choices.

Nope. ADA says a service dog is an assistive device, and needs to be allowed in the car. Don’t like it? Don’t be a taxi driver (which is what you are when you’re working for uber/lyft).

Have you considered not dating a sleazebag?

Maybe you should tell him.

I think a lot of people get in to it after buying a new car, thinking they’ll make up the car payment + some profit, and then sell it in a couple years. Obviously being in good condition is key to this strategy.

No rental car company would replace the dash because of those tiny scratches.

It should be this way anyway.

This would be fine if we had proof of vaccination to fly, but otherwise it’s one half of a solution. My opinion is that if your freedoms prevent you from receiving the vaccine, then you’re free to use your car and experience America’s many miles of beautiful roadways.

I disagree.

I really enjoyed the Clash. Qualifying saturday night was really interesting seeing how each of the drivers handled cold tires and a cold track. The Heat races were a blast. They was a lot of fights for positions, cars setup for long runs and short runs, and it was some great short track racing. The 2nd LCQ


This goes way beyond shipping costs. This whole thing has opened up the eyes of companies to the consequences of adopting lean without mitigating against the bullwhip effect. This is what I’m always on about utilization rates. High utilization = high efficiency, but also extremely low disruption tolerance. Your

There is probably some innovation program at play and you don’t get awards for existing solutions.

Ibn my experience slightly over half of the Autobahn is unrestricted. The vast majority of the rest is either 130 kph or a ‘Baustelle’ (construction). Some highways going through cities have lower (120/100) speeds in the evening. Many places have these digital signs that indicate a variable speed limit during specific