
You might be the only person who doesn’t like the dash of the new Civic. You’re not wrong about the dash insert having a vaguely 1950's look to it, but what is wrong with that? There were some really incredible designs in the 1950's. Things that today’s best designers draw inspiration from all the time.

Besides the tablet sticking out, I really like the rest of it...

That’s a fairly typical application of the polyurethane based sealants used on most RV roofs (e.g. Dicor). It isn’t meant to be pretty, it’s meant to work.

Oh absolutely.  my guess is that he just ran over someone more important and now the DA has to act to try and save the situation - and his own ass.

Waller is adjacent to Harris county. Yes, that Harris county with 8m people. Waller looks Rural, but there are some very rich, high powered cyclists with Equestrian properties (I know a few who own 10k road bikes and F250s), who commute to their $1000 an hour oil and gas lawyer gigs from Waller. This is going to be a

In a statement to the press, Waller Sheriff Rosco P. Coletrane stated that the youth was quite simply a “good ol boy”, and furthermore “wasn’t meanin’ no harm”.

It does make me wonder how much the affluence/relative power of the cyclists has to do with this. People that buy and use expensive bikes like the ones pictured in the first story are much more likely to have connections themselves, to lawyers and officials outside of the small-town mentality.

These kids always have big “do you know who my father is” energy.

And you won’t find that evidence. No one is sending texts or making calls in real time to stuff this under the rug. The cops saw the kid’s ID, figured out who daddy/mommy is and knew immediately to go into damage control mode, no direction needed.

Counterpoint: If you are able to get an 84 month loan at ZERO FUCKING PERCENT, YOU’RE A MATHEMATICALLY INGORANT FOOL NOT TO TAKE IT.

84 months at 0% is that really terrible if you plan to keep the car for 7 years? Many people do keep their cars for longer. 

my my, you’re quite the automotive enthusiast

Of course they did that. The fact they are selling them should tell you that the registered owners/next of kin could not be found. 

What you have to understand about Conservatism is at its core, it is about preserving an in-group protected by the law but not bound by it, and an out-group bound by the law but not protected by it.

Somewhere, in the conspiratorial part of my mind, the DA is a cyclist, or is close to someone who rides regularly.

The UAW is a corrupt mess. But, we need unions more than ever. Sooooo... there’s that. 

They both are junk, one just has a motor to maintain and the other need something with a motor to pull it. both are money pits.

Lol, yeah, I guess that’s why all those southern states lead the US in things like education, and life expectancy, and wealth....oh wait, nope, they lead the US in stuff like poverty and idiots dying because they think COVID is a hoax. 

OTOH as a Southerner who knows people working in some of those plants they are the closest thing to sweat shops in the US you’ll ever see. Just work the people to the bone, wear them out and find more cheap labor when they quit.

The Semi is the one that I think a lot of folks are underestimating...the absolute biggest difference that can be made, emissions/environmental-wise, is with trucks. Cars aren’t ‘clean’, of course, but a hell of a lot cleaner than trucks...and the number of trucks on the road is absolutely huge. Plus, they are a