
1,200,000 - 10,000 = 1,199,990 camels left for Max.

I think the problem isn’t just ‘needing a computer’. If I remember right, it’s like dealer only diagnostic tools with cars. It’s that it has to be a Deere authorized mechanic with a proprietary set of hardware that they won’t sell you, and you can’t just use any old laptop.

Yeah, here’s a quote from one of the earlier

all of this public mourning for a canine life that was purposefully sacrificed by its owner, made to attack a basically unarmed man who was surrounded by cops”

So let’s see - the police chase a guy armed with a knife; what the “argument” was and why the guy ran away AND took out a knife is not given. The guy is ordered to drop the knife. He does not. The police try to use nonlethal force, tasers, to get the guy to drop the knife. It doesn’t work. The police use a different

I didn’t think the Fusion used the PowerShi(f)t? 

Because they were trying to impress Wall Street with a “bold” plan for the future.

Its be more like “For the low price of $2.99/month/hex you can engage ‘clear mode’ (TM) which will help the driver see where they are traveling more clearly”

It’s fast on track and literally nowhere else. Most people don’t care about track performance. 

The world is tired of underpowered Japanese cars.

In defense of the crossovers, not scraping your front bumper on driveways is nice and so is not damaging your car on a parking lot stopper.

What exactly failed?

We’re undoubtedly heading towards an electric self driving future, so enjoy these types of cars while you can.

I have said a million times... the Challenger is the last true muscle car and a great grand tourer.  Anyone who wants super great handling can apply elsewhere, its not the intent of the car at all.

Folks also seem to overlook that 2008/9 weren’t exactly stellar years in the US economy.

It’s a comfortable car that can be had with a variety of HP flavors. It doesn’t always have to be about “riding on rails” handling. We’re undoubtedly heading towards an electric self driving future, so enjoy these types of cars while you can.

TBH, the fact that I can get a fun AWD car in purple has put the Challenger on my short list to replace my WRX in the next year or two.

Why mess with success? It’s a comfortable car that can be had with a variety of HP flavors. It doesn’t always have to be about “riding on rails” handling. We’re undoubtedly heading towards an electric self driving future, so enjoy these types of cars while you can. 

Why is the Challenger called ancient, and yet we give Toyota a pass for almost all of their body on frame vehicles?

This article reads like an entitlement article. You get what you paid for. Also you are rewarded for loyalty. I often pay to move to Comfort+ on long flights. It would seem unfair to those individuals that paid for more to get less. If you want a cheap flight, you get a cheap flight.

My 2006 Nismo 4x4 was easily the worst vehicle I’ve owned. It had too many problems to be a reliable daily driver and I wanted it fucking gone too.