
It’s all about rolling the dice. Yes you can buy a decent car off CL for $6K As someone who can work on his own cars and hasn’t taken a car to the shop outside of warranty work in 15 years, it’s not a problem. I can keep any one of those cars running probably pretty cheap for 3 years.

It’s realistic for a smart subset of consumers, but literally all of those examples are used vehicles.

Yes,  the IIHS small overlap test is THE most important attribute for determining which vehicle to buy, said almost no one.  

Wait, why is Nissan not #1 by a wide margin then?

More like “Keep refining the process/parts for 14 years”. 

Neutral: Is there any modern mainstream brand that is unreliable? All four of my lifetime mechanic uncles swear that its harder to find an unreliable car nowadays than it is a reliable one.(I’m extremely appreciative they aren’t just typical boomer: “they don’t make em like they used to argle bargle”). Save for a few

It’s not for the birthday-haver, it’s for their friends and family, who enjoy embarrassing their loved ones.  It’s why I have no friends.

I’ve threatened death and breakups on anyone telling the server it was my birthday.  Having a scene made about me in public is pretty much the last thing my introverted ass wants to happen.

It’s going to work because people don’t want to be labeled a green earth warrior by buying an EV. They don’t want to look like they are buying a cheap appliance (Chevy Bolt / Leaf). They want to buy high performance, technologically advanced coolness - the same as always.

True, but brand loyalty still exists. Between two similar cars people are most likely going to stick with the brand they know if it’s been good to them.

As a Canadian I am envious of your farming system. The Canadian Dairy Cartel (Poultry is also supply managed) has us by the balls. We pay massive mark ups at the store to support about 20,000 dairy farmers the VAST majority of which are millionaires of which 90% are located in Quebec, which is further subsidized to

Hot take- the name is fine, and I’m really looking forward to driving one. Joe Consumer doesn’t think anything less of a Mustang because of this, and no one is going to mistake the two. People in the know will just roll eyes and drop the Mustang and call it the Mach E.

I missed all of Jeep.  So yeah, I wasn’t doing that well this morning when I posted.

Hey, the Pacifica and Durango are doing pretty good! Yeah, that’s all I got.

Chrysler and other manufacturers were doing sales bank long before your Charger was new. This isn’t news at all to anyone who works in the business.

They technically only build three cars, and while old “shitty” is a bit far. You are hard pressed to get a V8 powered GT car for anything like what you can get a Charger and 300. Maybe they’ve just taken over the spot vacated by the old Crown Vic, but that car still has it’s strengths and following even today.

Reviews say otherwise.

The Pacifica is pretty good, according to reviews

So Chrysler built up lots of inventory right before they knew they would be negotiating with the union. That’s a horrible idea and certainly not what GM did and definitely would not provide leverage in negotiations or help them weather a strike. Nope, they’re a bunch of idiots.

FCA is working on a new contract with UAW while a merger/sale with PCA is pending. UAW is coming off a long strike which affected GM’s production. FCA builds inventory ahead of those contract negotiations... coincidence?