
So you’re saying you made a well thought out, reasonable decision about your health and your body; the people responsible for it did not judge or subject you to their personal bias; and your supportive partner was there for you and cared for you before, during and after.

Dinky 10.8" front rotors and rear drums in a modern, 4,400 pound pickup? LOL

“no modifications” huh? You mean to tell me he drove on all that snow WITHOUT snow tires and did not die?!

riding the throttle right up to stop signs, and booting it again as soon as a light goes green

Needs more hood.

That was...awful.

You must be fun at parties.

Trucks V6 engines displacing 3-4 litres all sound like crap uncorked. They need to be left alone. Save the $700 for off-road gear - no one else wants to hear the wheezy “blaaaaaat” your truck makes with an aftermarket system...

Sorry I can’t hear anything over the deafening mediocrity of drum brakes on a $40k midsize pickup.

See, this is the problem that I have with every single one of those stories: was the alcohol 100% at fault or was this guy a shitty driver who would’ve t-boned you sober? At .07 I’m leaning towards a lot more of the latter than the former.

To bring this full circle.

If it makes you feel better, this law doesn’t apply to us

* - Drinking does not constitute “one or two drinks with dinner” which will not bring you above a .05 unless you’re a small framed woman, or drinking heavily poured mixed drinks.

You either A) Dont drink or B) your name is Uncle Sam

It’s a cash grab.

This is crap. All we are doing is increasing the amount of DUIs. people between 0.05 and 0.1 arent the issue. It’s the idiots who are 0.25. There needs to be much harsher penalties for the people who are clearly well over the limit, like .2 = never drive again.

I don’t care how much of a douche this truck will make me look, I NEED one.

YES and you hush. I miss solid brown/tan interiors. They really lighten up the inside and make all the details pop.

This....is beautiful. I was going to complain about the 100k price (which Lexus is getting out of hand lately with pricing. 90k GS-F can go to hell) but the looks of this thing, man, makes me forgive the price.