
Get your country to get its own space program, then launch a probe, then wait a decade, then you can have everything written in YOUR TIME ZONE. Until then, ET should do just fine. USA is awesome! Go USA! Manifest Destiny!

I wish you could refuse the field sobriety test and get right to the breathalyzer. Hell, you might be able to technically, but I’ll bet cops don’t love it.

But I got pulled over once after having two beers and a shot over the course of a few hours. Completely at my wits, had bought the car that day, didn’t feel like I

Yep I basically travel in the left lane and pass on the right, and watch my mirror so I can move out of the way of anyone who may want to pass me. This is what it has come to.

Why even bother reviewing this when you hate everything about Seth MacFarlane and his sense of humor?

*If you don’t want to experience the best years of a car’s life.

Worth the penalty.

Classic Gran Turismo-style driving, short of ramming the other cars off the track

Don't wash a 15 year old Volkswagen with any kind of water hose (pressure or regular), unless you want three warning lights or the car to fail to start the next day.

That is heartbreaking. Condolences to his family.

Exactly. And of course, any argument one would have with that would send you into the greys. They don’t like any sort of dissent there.

I’d rather my friends who are cops let some asshole driver get away then step in the middle of a two lane highway to hand out a $100 ticket

And then the apes rip his arms off and eat his face.

Exactly what I was thinking.

Yep! my 4x8 utility trailer is a biatch to back up, but my 21’ camper is super easy.

Yeah, for short trailers this would be awesome, or trailers that are impossible to see (empty jetski trailer for ex.) Give me a long trailer any day, short trailers are a pain.

I want to see you back up a 6x8 foot utility trailer the overall length of a shoe. It’s the short trailers that are so so difficult.

They can’t do squat about twenty million illegal aliens in the country, but 40 Land Rovers being here is a national threat. Sounds legit.

A basic human right? Wow. You guys can take something as simple as bottle water and turn it into some bull-shit bleeding-heart liberal human rights cause. Giz has gone so far downhill recently it's appalling.

I love weird car colors!!!