Texas, where we had a decent line of storms just come through with a threat of tornadoes today.
Texas, where we had a decent line of storms just come through with a threat of tornadoes today.
Texas and its tornadoes say hi.
All the big metro areas sans Houston (due to Big Oil interests and even that’s waning to an extent) are bluer than a choked smurf.
Also don’t forget that Wolf called out the media for making money off covering this shitshow that they perpetuate and reminded them about Flint.
Funny how that’s been missed by a majority of coverage.
Okay, I’ve actually wanted her to be gone for a while but I almost feel bad for NBC at this point for being taken along.
Then I remember it’s NBC/Comcast and I feel better.
When a whole third of a report on your status is “DRUNKENNESS” you might wanna rethink your application.
How does Joy have a show?
How did she get a show in the first place?
Coutnerpoint: Should he be?
Water is wet.
Hi, in that demo and identifying as Democrat.
Now is not the time to get political about this very political event.
Didn’t Kotaku have a preview article for their stream on Wednesday/Thursday that’s gone missing? Or did I drop myself on my head (again)?
I love that he’s the best pitcher on the Rangers right now. I actually mean that and I’m a Rangers fan.
I’ll take the stamp hunts the Tokyo Metro Subway were running over these ads.
I’ll take the stamp hunts the Tokyo Metro Subway were running over these ads.
I don’t expect AAA games to go demo happy again but if I was an indie dev trying to promote my completely unknown game, I’d make a demo showing off to let people make a better purchasing decision.
Top comment on that very article sums up my thoughts on that:
Demos drive down sales? They actually improve my willingness to buy since I can actually get hands on play with the game.
For any devs that might be reading this:
Make a demo and I will play it. I’ve played every demo on the Switch and I’ll continue to do so.
Cantu’s response puts it best. His writings shouldn’t be the end all tell all of life on the border, but a gateway to a broader discussion.