
I need a drill to shove in my head after seeing this

The fact they managed to keep Lawrence O’Donnell on their airwaves shocks me as I honestly expected him to say “Lol no”. MSNBC is a train wreck now, only Maddow and O’Donnell are tolerable. Greta is...Greta. Matthews is an old blusterhead at this point and Hayes? I’m a liberal and I want to punch him in his smug face

Properly placed beds are the ultimate trap cards.

When you’re too much for fucking Pepe.

Having your AC decide to fuck off right before the Texas summer hurts.

Is it too late to buy stocks in popcorn futures?

I would say this leak is more meant to show the depth of content the hackers have, OiTNB is a “HEY GUYS WE HAVE STUFF” face showing to the public and this muck is to show content creators “Yea, we dug deep son”

If it can be proved his words are what causes someone to be violent.

Beyond Good and Evil 2.

Larry Wilmore’s Podcast on the Ringer is about the only reason I care, hopefully they don’t shitcan him like CCentral did


Has to better than the time the City Manager spoke at my commencement, promising us work in town while I received a “Sorry our computerized resume reader said no” email.

Helping people live? Sounds like bad hombres to me.

Texas statue is 17

Some of it is an attempt to satirize the stereotypical view of a Jez article.

I think.

I’m okay with this.

Considering I’m like half done with the book already.

You missed the section where she also mentioned that there was a decent chance of JezSpin style dickery.

Of course Dallas has no organized events....

That’s a good reason TO read the fine print...

Designated Survivor is on ABC.