
I was fine when io9 decided to start reporting on why they think GMOs are safe to eat and do not have a deleterious effect on the environment. I disagree, but I thought it was a reasonable discussion to have. But when io9 began advocating against GMO labeling that is when it went from a civil argument to a religious

no one's asking for that other labeling, so you can put that straw man back in the closet.

too bad those degrees didn't teach you how to read: I didn't question the why of GMOs, just that I want to know what I'm eating.

To be honest farmers and producers are always going to complain about change even if it is beneficial. In the EU where it's standard to label any permitted GMO foods the change has actually worked out quite well, particularly for the smaller farmer. It has meant a growth in locally grown and source produce and yes it

Ecologically, this is worrisome to me. The idea that we have any control over the biosphere at present is pretty laughable, considering how incredibly poor our understanding of basic ecological processes are. For example, the idea of driving a "pest" species to extinction for the benefit of mankind deliberately

Good thing this is a video game then?

Humans (well Europeans specifically when it comes to North and South America since the native groups didn't have the numbers for wholesale slaughter like this) really are the worst invasive species this planet has ever seen.

He reminds me of Sigma from MegamanX before all the tech upgrades.

And that's why you should never start a family kids.

Yeah, you seem to have missed climate change. True, it may not be an extinction event but there will be death, lots and lots of death. Mostly in 3rd world countries but as a species it will end up being a kick in the teeth. Coastal flooding; more frequent and severe storms, severe winters in some areas, drastic

My gf is all about saving the planet, but I have to keep pointing out that what we are trying to do is save the human race which is quite possibly the exact opposite of saving the planet.

To be fair a case could probably be made that geopolitics, going back decades if not generations, boils down to three phrases:

Commercial hunting for shark fins is a terrible, terrible practice. Not only does it kill thousands of sharks per week, since there is no regulations in place, but the fins are so high in mercury that the soup is actually toxic in the long term for a human being.

"Rattlesnakes get set to kill thousands of Texans in annual festival." would be a far more entertaining headline.

"It's almost a shame EA decided not to allow players to purchase coins for real cash in the game, because I've have dropped some cash in a heartbeat."

sitting on a wallet is also bad for your back and makes it easy to steal. no idea why people still do it..

His opinions are his own and I would say you wrote a pretty big rant about it...

In a perfect world...
