
"There have been a lot of retail games with microtransactions"

Shut it.

Have they lost their minds?!

Perhaps hypocritical in Fahey's case, but there are more collectors out there than ever before, and you're downplaying the value of special edition hardware to those kinds of people without any evidence to back it up; just because it holds no value to you does not mean someone else will think differently of it:

I guess you're still missing the point.

Because ideas always have to be 100% unique, 100% of the time

The only thing was that the customization system could only produce a few really good weapon combinations.

Oh, okay.

I don't know anything about LoL, but I like most of the character designs.

Wow, I guess trying to finish school has pulled me farther away from knowing these things than I thought...

That comic had nothing to do with Nintendo; it had to do with the PS Vita.

Yeah, I saw that after I made my previous reply.

Interesting question, but if Nintendo is pulling out because of high tariffs on electronics, PC components probably won't be much better.

Wow, a video game set in my own region...

I disagree completely.

Kinect was a piece of crap.

They should have made it possible to purchase ascendant materials for vanguard marks, and then made it possible to purchase wild materials (spinmetal, etc.) for glimmer, while also restoring the ability to buy vanguard marks with materials.

I'm mainly referring to her limit breaks.

Will it include the part where the rest of the party is pissed because the best healer wandered off and got herself killed?

I'm all for an open-world Zelda with more gameplay and story freedom, but I'm not sure if Nintendo will be able to pull it off right with their first try.