
There's another big plus to not having human dealers, you don't have to tip them. I played a 6 person electronic BJ table in Vegas that amazingly advertised itself as single deck. It was pretty easy to pull money out of it, and my profit margin was better because I wasn't throwing money at the dealer. The trick is

You might have to stop looking at so much midget clown porn, then it won't suggest those things. Just sayin' ;)

Ok, I didn't mean to come off all heavy handed about it. I have my red card for severe early onset arthritis. For that it doesn't really seem to help. Or at least the pain is still there, but it's different and muted, mainly I think because I'm stoned. Personally, I'd rather go through life with joint pain than be

Exactly what I was thinking. Maybe it's something about drug laws in the UK? I don't know just a guess.

I've never been incarcerated where prisoners are allowed to smoke. That's movie chicanery. I think all prisons in the US of A are non-smoking nowadays, but I don't know about those fancy Swedish prisons.

I know crackheads steal it to make cash (The Wire taught me that much), but this sounds like your teacher was employing a "scared straight" tactic.

I switched dentists because they started printing everything in comic sans. I don't need a clown working on my teeth. She wasn't that good of a dentist anyway, the comic sans was just the straw the broke the camel's back.

Ok. so I have a fear of spiders. It's not irrational, and I wan't born with the fear, it's because I've had a couple of bad experiences. The first one I walked through the wrong field in Arkansas and got literally covered in tarantulas. I was 13. The second one was when I got bit on the chin by a Brown Recluse

"It looks like this is my lucky day! I'll take "The Rapists" for $200."

Heh, I'm glad somebody said it. I didn't want to type out the explanation on my phone.

That's not fair! Venereal diseases are timeless!

Well, that's ok that you just read it, I just typed it five minutes ago ;)

Just get synthetic urine. It's available at any head shop for around ~$20. It's the only way to make sure, really. Because preparing for the test isn't bad, but waiting the week or two for the results is absolutely excruciating.

Yes, but as I said above (after you posted this), as long as you have a card for MMJ they have to exempt you from THC in the test.

As long as you're legal, don't worry about it. I have taken urine tests and have my MMJ card. When they asked if I was on any prescriptions I just handed them it and BAM! I'm exempt from THC. No matter how much showed up, it had no bearing on the final results.

It is my number one favorite show of all time, but you're dead on. I tell people that of all the shows of the same "type" it has the most satisfying ending. I wouldn't want to see a sixth season ruin it.

This is bullshit. The only element that Chuck Norris believes in is the element of surprise.

That was an interesting read. I tried to promote your comment, but that stuff seems to be broken at the moment...

LOL! No, Not well at all.

Maybe, but that's consumer support. Business support is handled differently. In fact that's much of my problem. When some VP insists on having a personal printer and it breaks, it's nearly impossible to get HP to fix it. Since it was ordered on a business account yet it's a personal computing product they keep