Yeah, I'm not going to say SR4 was a bastion of fresh and new. It's more like an upgraded expansion pack.
Yeah, I'm not going to say SR4 was a bastion of fresh and new. It's more like an upgraded expansion pack.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the guys that introduced dildo bats the size of small children as weapons are not exactly Voltaire.
The pressures that mascot characters are under to retain a paying gig are horrendous.
Remember Me is criminally underrated. Yes, the combat is average and repetitive but so are most games in the genre. The selling point with RM though is traveling through Neo-Paris and getting wrapped up in a above average story. Nilin was a good character and traversing the world, as linear as it was, was still a…
PS+ is $10 cheaper per year (You say $5 and $10 per month, no idea where you're getting those figures seeing as Xbox Live is $5/month and PSN is about $4.16~.) and gives a bunch of free shit, BUT... If you cancel your PS+, you lose all of that free shit.
Ah new age costumes reflecting the fact that a guy used to be able to draw what he thought would look good without fearing backlash from people who don't read the comics. I mean, I don't feel inadequate seeing The Hulk or Thor. If anything, I image myself being able to kick their ass just the same. \
It's like a slightly worse version of AltaVista...
Maybe once you realize you can do magic the importance of a belief in religion drops a little. I'd imagine very few students would be overtly devoutly religious when something religion calls a miracle is something you learn to do as an 11 year old kid.
Pretty much all of the mainstream Abrahamic religious explicitly ban witchcraft in the strongest terms, so really the idea that there were any actual religious Jews/Christians/Muslims at Hogwarts is a hilarious failure to understand that belief systems actually matter to people in their lives and environments. It also…
Releasing the game earlier had the potential to cut down on development costs. Had no one bitched about the bugs, they would've been able to completely leave it alone, and just rake in the dough.
Kudos to Ubisoft for its foresight. We thought they weren't releasing this game on the Wii U because they were abandoning the system. Turns out the system just doesn't have the hard drive capacity for the game's patches.
It's no wonder that audiences have been clamoring for a Mirror's Edge sequel since its release in 2008. DICE's brief…
I think the reveal of "would you kindly" was really mindblowing.
There's a horrifying scene PC gamers of a certain generation will never forget. It takes place midway through System…
Square supporting the vita? Has hell frozen over???