I just hope 2.99 Final mix is better than KH 2.84/358.5th Magical Dream Distance by Sleep χ. That one almost tanked the series
I just hope 2.99 Final mix is better than KH 2.84/358.5th Magical Dream Distance by Sleep χ. That one almost tanked the series
“FF7 remake episode 2"
yep, along with KH 2.99 Final mix, and FF7 Remake episode 2
KH3 is still in development
So... PS6 launch title?
Blackbird Interactive may be making more RTS games in the future and I hope so. Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak was an excellent prequel to the original Homeworld games.
Neo becomes Pro
“Lying Forbes magazine published rigged poll that shows the CEO of the failing Valve is more richer than me. Pathetic!”
At one point he would use the phrase, “the failing Steam!”
GabeN defeats Trump in contest of wealth.
Up next, Trump’s riposte, delivered--as always--via Twitter:
“Gabe Newell is all talk, talk, talk, no action! He needs to concentrate on Half-Life 3, and not on amassing great personal wealth through his online delivery platform, Steam!”
...closely followed by:
“If I were running…
Gabe should run for President. Seems right up his alley considering the terms stop at 2.
Heh, heh, heh—-Butts Heh, heh, heh (shouldn’t there be a Bevis & Butt-head re-boot comment somewhere here? Google it children.)
It’s only April... another shitstorm is right around the corner.
And with that, the absolute biggest non-issue of 2016 comes to a close. Videogames are saved, both from the prying hands of MUH ESSJAYDUBBAYEW and the GROSS, EVIL FEMALE ANATOMY.
This is bull****.