
The funny thing is, it's not because the joystick itself has somehow been dramatically reinvented. They might look a little cooler than they did in 1994, and be made of better parts, but they're still a stick you move around and press some buttons on. There's not the drastic difference you'd see comparing, say, a SNES

This is were I have a problem, you can't say it's all different because you are basically using the same heroes, maybe thor is a girl and cap is black but it's still cap and thor so it's the same thing. The only new avenger I see on this cover is Nova and it's the wrong one...

It's that they're the focus of the game marketing

most of the DOA costumes are not very lewd. They even have clothing that is more covered up than Chun-Li's.

The PSP did well because you could root it and use it to do other things for free. A friend working in a game shop once told me that the first question people asked before buying it was the firmware version...

Life is Strange was made using the Unreal engine, which looks and runs much more smoothly than Telltale's proprietary game tech. Characters are softened and not photorealistic, and the textures are all pretty low-res, but the game has a nice warm look.

It does have issues, several of which Keza outlined. While it's generally nice-looking, the lip-synching is often bizarre, as Patrick already noted. The writing is this weird mix of compelling and awful, and its teenage cast talk less in actual American teen-speak and more in some weird amalgamation of dated

I hope not, as a french team, it would be stupid to make this game in english, when writing it in french and then having a professional translate it for the voice recording would be so much easier.

No Syndicate? With cyborgs, all powerful megacorporations and insane violence for the poor innocent civilian. I'm talking about the original and wars, not the last one, this boring linear FPS...

it's the first time 4 different games with 4 different engines are all packed inside one disc

What happen when it get cold or when it rain? She must keep her jacket open in all weather? And when there is too much sun she must endure it without sunglasses or maybe she must take 2 different ones? Maybe 3 if she need some to read?

And you could throw passengers out of your helicopter if you wanted!

I'm sorry, I just couldn't let this pass without adding :

The ads were misleading, they said it was a game console, but it's a gamepad. I don't want to be able to remote play my PS3 ot PS4, I want to local play my Vita game!

Yeah a deus ex human revolution with RPG elements or something?

Now playing

Alright, do you even know how difficult it would have been for a Japanese or otherwise Asian production studio to work with a cast of European/Caucasian actors, it being atypical for many European/Caucasian actors to speak Asiatic Languages.

A number of console dev has come to steam in the recent years, Capcom, Konami, Namco, Tecmo... I think it could be a sign of the change in japanese market.

Not to compare talent but...

A single red arm band with a white circle and a symbol in the middle is a reference to the SS, therefore a reference to the genocide of 11 million people...