
But styled like furniture from 1899

I actually said "icccccckkkk" out loud when I saw the dash.

Yep, its luxury - mechanical buttons.

None of that touchscreen crap.

Yep, more uninformed liberal propaganda. I don't blame the writer, It's hard to grow up these days without having gotten the industrial-strength government union school brainwashing. The fact is that there has been zero warming over the last 15 years, and zero negative effects. In fact, mass extinctions are FAR more

Now playing

Screw it.
Here ya go.
This is as close to an explanation as exists:

... open hood, insert Ford 1.0 Ecoboost motor. Wipe off the Mulally Love drippings, and, Voila!

That wasn't a crash, just looking for a place to park like an asshat

Thank goodness Sorny is still in business

Dear BMW,

Oh teaser videos how I despise thee. They literally showed 2-3 seconds of the car.

....Can you fuck it?

Even with that, it still does to me. I am thinking it must be the dry dock and full frame. Looks bigger in the second than the first.

kit-KAT? i DOnT PHosphate.

Now playing

I'll see you one "Chinese Food" and raise you a "Mass Text".

Nomination: Rosewill RK-9000 series.

I've had to contact customer support for three separate things in the past year with generally positive experiences.

I can do one better...

No snow in northern Canada.