This makes me happy. They really dropped the ball on the PC GTAIV release so here's hoping this'll be fantastic.
This makes me happy. They really dropped the ball on the PC GTAIV release so here's hoping this'll be fantastic.
Welp; I bought scrolls over a year ago...I REALLY hope they haven't given up on it....
Well I most most certainly platinum, I had 1200 coins but didn't get selected for the demo :/
Actually I know people who bought this game and still experience this glitch.
Compared to the giant amount of buyers that these consoles have, I highly doubt the percentage of people who import is very high.
spoiler: he's the villain
What the hell, how did this get approved? It looks like really awful fanart drawn by a teenage boy, like look at that gap between her asscheeks this is bloody terrifying
Let me rephrase it then, it wasn't very gripping.
Gone Home has an interesting atmosphere, but I could never play it for more than like ten minutes, it just wasn't very fun.
I think Anita is a lot of things, scam artist being one of them, but nobody deserves to be harassed and threatened, especially to this point.
Sigh I just hate when people use the term "feels" but cute animation nonetheless
yeah I've honestly never played a game that felt inspired by SOTC
Live a Live is amazing. Wasn't expecting to see it on here, definitely an obscure gem.
Yeah, I get physical ones too! You'll also get free ones in the game as well, and you can unlock starter decks+more packs. It's probably the best online TCG out there for the value.
I'm pretty sure it will :) The interface looks exactly the same and it's all tied to your account, I've bought a good 100+ packs and love the game, so I'm sure it's all connected!
It's already out on PC, go play and download it
Yeah I gotcha, I was thinkin' kinda like the light reactions to things you'd say like in Persona 4, though I watched your video and the art style of Steins;Gate really attracts me so I'm gonna give that a go.
Are there any games that have not exactly a custom protagonist, but one that you can kinda define the personality of?
I actually own that one! Never played it though. Thanks for reminding me!
Can you recommend a good VN to me? I am not a fan of moe characters but I really like the visual novel segments in games like Persona 3/4. Anything you'd think I'd like?