
<i>"I believe the children are our future..."</i>

"Justin Bieber married a guy..."

I'm not sure if you watched the whole video... Even the wide-eyed kids who wondered how a guy could marry another guy also said people should get married to their own gender if they want to. Only one kid was against it, and he wasn't sure why.

You do realize that designers are told what to do by higher ups, right? It's not like we are a cult of people hell bent on making unattainable images.

And they say cheerleaders aren't athletes.

And how do people walk in them all day all over NYC?! I get blisters if I try wearing heels from my apartment to the train! WHAT IS THIS MAGIC?!

Which is why the wishes of each individual should be taken into account. This girl clearly states she is not ready to have a child. That's what should matter here. It is her body and her emotional and physical well-being that are going to be affected. What is forcing her to continue with a pregnancy going to do? How

It isn't greedy. I'm not saying they have to give something expensive. They can even make something homemade. Gifts are a way of showing affection and love, and if you come without anything you are basically saying that the people getting married aren't worth your time to prepare a gift. People give gifts at

Some people think that since looking at you cry is making them feel bad, your intention is to hurt them, not express your sadness/fear/emotional state of upset. I think it's weird, personally. I don't start crying because I want to hurt someone, I'm crying because I'm hurt.

I like the term "enthusiastic consent"

And THIS, once again, is why boys need to be taught from a young age what rape is. Don't tell girls how to dress, or act, or walk, or whatever. Tell boys that unless you get a lucid and enthusiastic "yes", it is rape.

>right click

Right, me too. But this is a mutually discussed and agreed upon fantasy, not something my partner at the time is entitled to by merit of being the man.

This reminds me of a relationship book published last year where a week prior to publication the author came out and said "holy shit, just ignore all that I realized when I read it that my husband was an abusive douchebag." It made me sick to read the blog post where she talked about her partner throwing her out of

I'm surprised pregnant women aren't forced to be chained to beds for nine mouths to ensure that the baby is 100% safe because women are just baby incubators and we have to protect the unborn precious little angels. *massive eye roll* What is this shit, the Giver?

When pregnant people gorge themselves, people condone that it's "OK to give in to cravings" and "eat for two." (I totally condoned it in my own pregnancy, for the record...heh.) But when someone does something like this, the internet turns into Dr. McJudgerson, OBGYN.

I've been selling bras for 15 years, and have always recommend washing less often, because even gentle detergents can harm delicate fabrics, but gentle rinsing helps between washings. This is where having a good number of bras helps, so you can rotate between them to not only let the fabric rest, but also wash less

Every so often, something pops up that is going to ruin the English language. I have a degree in English, I've had to study it all and had professors wring their hands over various things that plague the noblest language to ever tackle other languages in dark alleys and steal their extra nouns. I once did a whole