
my grandmother just died, she didn't even own a computer...

Said every 14 year old playing Grand Theft Auto while using profanity in every sentence

Ughh the PC police. I'd wish they'd let *me* decide what I want to play. I am old enough by now, thank you very much Sony.

Yea! 48 pages no ads is pretty crazy!

But can it really be more messed up than THIS?

Dear Ken Levine.

beat ya to it?

Ahhh there is the first ray of sunshine! Aren't you just delightful!

What about Booker porn, is Kevin okay with that?

"It's like coming across a picture of your daughter"

When you ask this, internet does completely opposet. You saw what happned with the Obama with rifle-fiasco!

Plus, stop making sexy characters! Maybe people will stop making porn!

Don't Shoot Yourself is coming to iOS next month for $.99 from publisher Ayopa Games. Try not to...you know...before then.

THAT 3D + 2D Animation combo!! Whoa, that was brutally awesome!

There was a DC Teen Titans Villain names Jinx.

You think there's something wrong with me because I think that a woman with no breasts is sexually appalling?

In that case, yes. There probably is something wrong with me.

Flat chested does not equal child... not every girl has big bazoongas.

So the little blue women, little girl, ice bird, chick with massive robot hands, armoured lunar warrior, ice witch with nothing but her mouth showing are all overly sexualized? Think you've dug your self a hole with ignorance here. League has plenty of variety and this just adds one more body type.

Terra was who came to my mind.

But she is cute and almost naked, so... Just the fact, that she has small boobs means, that she is not overly sexualised? She is, just don't have ridicoulus boobs :p