
So a good final moral thing here is that online gaming was a mistake.

This is ridiculous. They’re both last-gen titles already playable on the PS5! Remastering PS2/3 games makes sense, this does not.

Actually saw a grown ass man throw a tantrum at McDonald’s because he didn’t get a Pokemon card in his Happy Meal. I thought how childish while I ordered Chicken McNuggets and an orange Hi-C.

Like a 4 year old did it in MS paint.

$70 for at least 30~40 Hours of gameplay is still a better deal then a lot of other entertainment options.

Unless you want games to start cutting more corners (like using recycled assets)“

On the one hand, maybe they’ll cut out all the obnoxious legacy design choices which bog down the Monster Hunter games.

And you know what? Fine!

Yeah, it’s just a unique riff on an existing classic design that straddles the line between being one of the well loved regional variants and creating a new kind of pokemon off-shoot, this time adjusting the established design and tweaking it so it cleverly spins off into a reference to a different real world animal

This one at least you could say “it’s just Diglett but white” which is more fair than “this is lazy”. But until we see its evolution, I’m not willing to call it a wrap on being uninspired. Personally, I’m hoping to see it get out of the ground when it evolves, and have some kind of crazy unexpected body down there.

I honestly thought at this point we all just agreed that GOTY editions are just the game with all of its DLC in an all-in-one package. Nothing more than a marketing tactic because even if a game does win a GOTY award, who is giving the award for it to really hold weight. 

Isn’t “GOTY Edition” just shorthand now for “we’re bundling the base game in with the DLC we released and maybe some new bits and we’re hoping you’ll either buy it again if you REALLY liked it the first time around or else buy it for the first time because it’s cheaper than doing everything individually”? I never

yeah I miss the days when we had ball, upside down ball, slime, other slime, other slime’s dad, literally just a seal, some eggs, pink puffball, pink puffball, pink puffball, pink puffball, pink puffball...

Every single generation has its complicated designs and its simple designs.

That’s nice.

For some reason the only thing going through my head when I see this Pokemon is:

It’s a Diglett that wiggles.

So, y’all are in favor of gambling and speculation. Cool. Got it. Now I know not to trust this website.

“This weapon lacks inking power but makes up for it by how good it is at splatting enemies”

“I don’t like games having difficulty options” are saying they don’t want the choice to be there. The choice being there does NOTHING if they chose not to engage it. The choice NOT being there affects everyone else who would have engaged with said options... so its gatekeeping. Who the hell are YOU to dictate whether

Having an option does not make a game worse.  That’s gatekeeping.  You’re saying that if someone can’t keep up with the difficulty YOU are comfortable with, they shouldn’t be allowed to play the game.  Other people having the choice to lower or raise difficulty has no effect what so ever on the difficulty you play on.