
I like how you think “mild criticism” is the same as “outrage”

Really then it should just be “positive v negative”, not “scores” because scores make no sense and aren’t consistent between staff let alone sites.

If anything, im sure some new island to explore (that our current stable of ferrymon cant immediately help us out in) is much more likely in the cards than some modern day area. That’s how it was done in Sword and Shield after all.

Love how they say aggregate websites are bullshit but that is the entire point of this article is summarizing other reviews.

Rather than DLC, isn’t it much more likely this is left-over from a scrapped version of a starting cutscene? As it is now they have Arceus ask about you as a character creator, then he gives you your modified phone and drops you in Hisui.

This is why capitalism ruins everything. That “pc” culture that “gamers” like to get mad about doesn’t come from the “blue-haired, pronoun-having, sjw, tumblrinas” but from people with enough capital to impose their morals on others unilaterally. Corporations, CEOs, Board of Directors, Stockholders. These are the

Naming your child Wolf is 1000% better than naming them a misspelled version of a normal name, like Ashleigh or Madysyn or Megyn.

This is the stupidest thing I’ve heard yet....It’s not like anyone else is seeing what you’re guessing! The only person to be offended would be yourself!

Cosmic Horror then: Reality is built on truths we were not created with the capacity to comprehend.

Because on the internet everyone needs to have a TAKE, and “it was alright” isn’t a TAKE.

We’ve been married 14 years so we must be doing something right...

Humans thinking it's bad if humans all die is "odd"? You're trying too hard to be edgy.

This is neither shameless nor shoehorned. The game was quoted as the direct reason the family realized something was wrong. Settle down.

People complaining about graphics in a nintendo game just always brings me back to the original discussions around Wind Waker. 

less detailed and realistic than other Mario Kart 8 tracks

Not really so much an inequity of graphical polish as it is a difference in art direction and lighting.

The thing that Kirby ate most is... a car. My. Kirby really is full of things!

I was honestly just stunned that there were no absolutely stupid or over-sexed character designs that pushed me off from 2. And on top of that, the tone was closer to the first game’s. Color me interested, tbh

Realised it was Xenoblade as soon as the voiceover started. I gotta say, it sounded like a step up from the previous game.

Also the art style looks more consistent, I think? Something about it looked nicer. The rendering perhaps? Or maybe it was the character designs not looking as goofy. I did notice one character

I hear that type of reasoning a lot, but it’s interesting how utterly dystopian it sounds.