
And side note: who the FUCK is digging up 2006 game reviews to get angry about them!?

This was amazing. I bet it would have been even cooler if google hadn’t spoiled this for me by linking a wiki page for it as a “recommended article” shortly after launch 9_9

If you show Tarountula you have to show Spidops

I can see that. I personally don’t usually care about figures unless they have some cute style to them, so a properly proportioned, faithful recreation of a character just doesn’t really appeal to me that much. Nendoroids are my favorite and I haven’t bought a POP in years but I also don’t think I’ve ever been

Golden rule, if there’s a POP of it, someone else makes a superior product of the same character.

combined with yet another video game scowly-faced guy protagonist

I took a couple years to actually get around to playing the first (BotW derailed me playing and I took a while to actually give it a proper shot), and when I played it I enjoyed it but I just didn’t feel like there was any reason for me to play the next one. It just kinda seemed like it would be mostly more of the

It does not make sense for their to be a prehistoric Suicune, Ho-Oh create the legendary dogs. Smh... it’s like they forgot their own Lore.

I’m wondering if there’ll be a new Team Rocket duo or if there won’t be any recurring villain team. I don’t think Team Star feels like it could hold up in that role.

Playstation plus and xbox live aren’t required to connect to the internet. If that were the case, people who didn’t have those couldn’t buy from the systems’ stores, they couldn’t download patches, etc. Those services are just required to be able to play multiplayer.

My partner and I get a bunch of Switch games as physical copies so we can both play the same copy on our own Switches, but I tend to buy digital copies of games that only I want to play. In this case it seems pretty silly to pay more than double the cost of digital to get physical though.

“It sorts of fits” is putting it mildly, I’d say it’s pretty much guaranteed

Last year, despite quiet expectations, the Pokémon Company surprised fans by announcing Scarlet and Violet, their starter Pokémon, and the game’s take on an open world. That bombastic announcement may have curdled in time, but it was still a pretty big deal in what was thought to be a more relaxed event.

Oh, excellent, it’s been far too long. Maybe we can complete the annoying enemy trifecta and get wallmasters/floormasters again too.

I didn’t look at this leak but is the “particularly shitty type of enemy” a like like? Because if so I’m pretty sure even that’s not a spoiler, something that looked (to me) like a like like was in the E3 2021 trailer

This is one of the easiest games to get shinies in yet. I really don’t think avoiding a performance patch just to avoid what’s probably a slight reduction in spawn rate makes much sense.

Other than the annoyance of running from Pokemon only to immediately be put back into a battle with a Pokemon standing where you were (which is obviously something they could fix) I’m not sure why you would want to go back

Okay thanks for that well explained response, really contributing here

I feel like this is gonna be a polarizing one. I’m sure they’ll add a lot of stuff to do, but it looks like it’s built on the same Hyrule as the original. I think a lot of people are going to love all the new stuff they can do (like building vehicles, trying new weapons, flying around, and who knows what else) but I

I think the worst possible version would be a version that’s actually bad, not just delayed a console, but you do you