Yeah, the onus is on which party here?? The person who can barely legally drink, or the famous, rich abuser twice her age? Jesus bitch eating a cracker, I hate people like the OP.
Yeah, the onus is on which party here?? The person who can barely legally drink, or the famous, rich abuser twice her age? Jesus bitch eating a cracker, I hate people like the OP.
He’s been interviewed by Howard Stern several times over the years. You can hear his insincerity clear as day. But he always was thrilled to get into his exploits with women.
I love that *this* is what you think about and care about when you just read a commentor’s story of abuse of her and her friend.
He’s a man dating a woman half his age. Of course, he’s a controlling douchebag.
As I get older I sense a following pattern with men, especially men of privilege *cough Johnny Depp* :
They’re young and beautiful and the loves of their early lives are equal-aged women of similar beauty and stardom, they wed, the next decade more or less (in Phillippe’s case a bit less) their careers continue to…
Phillippe, in depositions and court filings, describes how he made up his mind before the incident that Hewitt wasn’t “the right fit for him,” and that he feared his children would see pictures of him with a much younger, “revealingly” dressed woman. In text messages sent July 5 and obtained in September 2017 by Holly…
Daily or hourly?
There does not seem to have been any learning goal in this lesson, but captioning images can be used in history courses with the aim of putting historical events and narratives into a modern vernacular. A problem with understanding history is the distance created by time and the cold tone of most textbooks, rephrasing…
When you pay and treat teachers like crap, you get crap teachers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I teach high school art. I have one announced observation a year for which I need to provide lesson plans beforehand and three unannounced observations for which it’s expected I provide an outline after the fact. Earlier in my career I had two announced and four unannounced obs a year. Teachers often provide lesson…
I do work in K-12 education (and I’m a union rep) so I’ll weigh in here: in my experience larger school districts with stronger unions do not demand that daily lesson plans be submitted to school administration, smaller districts/schools and charters often do. I actually think that requiring teachers to submit daily le…
I blame modern teaching methods. They’re always trying to make things cool or fun, to try to keep the very short attention of modern students, and the result is this idiotic slavery hashtag idea. I’m noticing more and more stupid ways of teachers trying to teach about slavery/civil war, and it’s never pretty. I can…
The caption clearly reads “Us black people need to get out” which is wholly different from “Black people need to get out”.
Wondering the same thing, but thinking through how poorly funded “most” school districts are, it doesn’t seem realistic to expect that there is any sort of formal approval process for every assignment a teacher hands out - how could there be? Schools are hard-pressed to just get through each day while hopefully also te…
No kids were injured or killed so I find it hard to want this woman removed from her career. While this activity surely was in bad taste, I would not want a bunch of bland, robotic teachers growing up. The teachers that stand out are the ones that are willing to take a risk, to treat students as more mature than they…
She’s 1/4 Spraytanese on her mother’s side.
Stephen Miller is Jewish. You don’t have to be white to be a devoted foot soldier of white supremacy.
I feel this way about so many people who have lived lives free of consequence. And I feel guilty for feeling that way.
I feel like so much of this could be solved if these people got the shit beat out of them just once in their younger years. Seriously. I really do.