
I always say, “I don’t have a problem with male authority because I regard it for what it always has been. Male authority has a problem with me.”

Well, he thinks. He isn’t sure, exactly. But he thinks any father would. Maybe not him, per se. But theoretically, it is definitely possible. You know, as a thought experiment.

Eh, I grew up in the Bay Area and live on the East Coast now and I promise you there are plenty of appalling elite West Coast men as well. Different kinds of appalling, but equivalent. Actually, maybe the West Coast version is worse because they know the right words to say, but do or remain silent on the horrible

When you talk to mental health professionals on a casual, non-therapeutic basis, one theme that comes up consistently is that many were drawn to the profession partially because they were trying to figure themselves out after growing up in dysfunctional families.

The worst part is all of this—the declaration of paternal affection so devoid of actual emotion it might as well have been from a robot, the manly apologies for those darn wimmins and their wanton ways, the deeper concern for his country club time being awkward than his daughter being assaulted—it’s all not only

I didn’t used to be, but the last three years have really turned me into an ardent man-hating feminist lesbian. I mean, I was a feminist and a lesbian before, but the rest of it is a consequence of watching men over the last three years.

When I was sexually harassed by a man at my job, I reported it and told my parents, and they called me a bitch for reporting it, that I wasn’t able to take a joke, and that it was my moral responsibility to “make it right” so that this “innocent man” wouldn’t have to suffer any consequences for what he did (making

And we wonder why survivors choose to stay silent.

Argle bargle Grrrrr! I couldn’t have coped with my sexual assault without the love and support my family gave me. This is a total betrayal of his daughter - that weird statement does nothing to prove that he does in fact love his daughter, just, yeah I love her so long as she doesn’t make waves that might

I expect she has been aware that her dad is a complete piece of shit for a while, now. I doubt this was a surprise. It’s certainly not to me.


I feel like we’re getting back to basics... especially with rigs like this.

RVs should be taxed into oblivion as hideous gas-guzzling wastes that take up entirely too much space on the road. Especially the hilly, two-lane roads that make up most of the access to our national parks. The only good thing an RV ever did was co-star in Albert Brooks’ Lost in America.

Maybe it’s just that I’m not the market, but I still find them too big. I realize that most RV folk get one because they can haul it far and wide, which makes more sense in a country with so many roads and so much open space. RVs, especially big RVs, impress me so much, but I also find them preposterous and too much

I will readily concede that a single color RV is pretty unappealing:

Seriously, look how much more VIP this ultra-expensive Newell looks with just three almost-straight lines on the side:

I like people who loudly declare they like ayan rand. It means I never have to take them seriously. 

I get why a people of a certain age like it. Then you get out of your teens and see it for what it is.

What do you say to an adult who tells you they still love to read Rand?

I was a new teacher when I became aware of Arne Duncan, and watching what he did in the Obama administration was what made me start questioning the Democratic party.