
I can only imagine how hard it is for some of these teachers to leave behind their classes and disrupt their lives just to get some basic needs met. Most teachers are god damn heroes and they shouldn’t have to strike (because in an ideal world education would take precedence over lots of things) but I’m glad they are.

30 kids in a middle/high school classroom is difficult. 50 is utterly ridiculous. It’s a disservice to the teachers and more importantly to those kids.

It’s maddening when a woman’s life is to who she married or who her offspring is. My obituary will read “no one’s wife and mother of none is dead; therefore, no one cares.”

Wild how we always have enough money to buy some bombs and jets and arm our allies, but as soon as the notion of providing our people with health care or a greener planet comes up, we’re broke.

Pictured: every Centrist when it comes to actually doing the work

There IS a way to pay for it! She literally just said raise taxes on upper class.

The Cardi B/Offset drama is about as scripted as an episode of Real Housewives. Can we just ignore them for a bit? Please?

That feels...performative.

That slurping coffee between every word is so fake and fucking annoying. 

I flat-out do not believe that any woman actually misses the act of performing oral sex on a man. Do not believe it.

No dick is irreplaceable, Cardi!!!

Well, what he does have to pay is 100k upfront and $500 a month for 20 years. In cases like this no one has to pay the full amount, because it just won’t be possible.

I don’t get the point of fining him something he can’t possibly pay. Can’t they just mandate he has to wear a t-shirt that says “I destroyed 45,000 acres of land and maybe your house because of a stupid gender reveal party” for the rest of his life? (I would also accept “I held a stupid gender reveal party”)

What did they think was going to happen when they have it sitting in the middle of a field of deep dry grass? Not like there isn’t enough bare dirt IN THE FREAKING DESERT to set the celebratory IED on.

AZ Central reports that the father responsible for the gender reveal party, U.S. border Patrol agent Dennis Dickey of Tucson, Arizona, pled guilty to causing the fire in September and has been sentenced to five years probation and a “restitution totaling more than $8.1 million.” He has plans on making monthly payments.

Well at least we can all agree that they’re both the worst. 

Your response to someone stealing from someone else is “She doesn’t need it and who cares?” That’s fucked up.

The turn against JK Rowling in the social justice blogosphere for not being perfect has been something to behold.

Who shat in your cheerios?

Robin Hood has changed tactics. Robbing from the rich and giving to herself.