Exactly. I still haven’t been able to forgive Charlize Theron for dating this ashtray. Scarlett Johansson I can live with (meh), but Charlize...
Exactly. I still haven’t been able to forgive Charlize Theron for dating this ashtray. Scarlett Johansson I can live with (meh), but Charlize...
Damn. BINGO. I see a lot of that now that I am knocking on 40s door- the kids realize Mom was the true rockstar and that Dad was just a vain man-baby.
A dude on here last week told me I should kick my son out of the house as soon as he turns 18, regardless of the fact that he’ll still be in high school. Now I wonder if that was Sean Penn.
Yeah, it sounds like “She wants to still be involved in their lives, while I would rather treat them as distant friends. People I was at one time close with.”
In other words she continues to be a parent to her children and love them no matter how old they are - as most parents do - and he doesn’t give a fuck about them now they’re old enough to see he is a douche and no longer worship the ground he walks on.
I’ll repeat what I posted above.
I am serious. There have been a number of men who have slapped me, shoved their cocks down my throat and put their hands on my neck when there was no prior discussion about it. If that’s not your lived experience, or you are a man and don’t act like that, great. But don’t you dare tell me what my reality is.
‘Let’s just get this over with.’
I had a very brief porn career and while I never experienced anything close to this, it left me pretty bruised emotionally. Having an average build kinda made it hard to book jobs because I wasn’t heavy enough for BBW but not thin enough for most “average” shoots. I certainly left with body image issues but the men I…
Not really. I’m just coming to terms with it being rape and not “just another bad date”...which I’ve had plenty of times. We all have.
Where are all these horrified males?
The pain in porn really eats at me. Not even the violent stuff, in the everyday scenes you can see women bracing and flinching. And now that you mentioned how it trains men to overlook these signals - I often point out women’s pain and discomfort when my partner wants to watch porn with me. He doesn’t notice til I…
My problem with bad porn is that it often includes negative body language especially from the actresses(es) showing boredom or pain. By presenting this still as ‘sexy’ and having them pretend it feels good, you’re basically teaching boys to ignore these signals.
NPR had a program recently that focused on a high school target class called something like “porn proficiency.” Basically, talking to kids about porn. It was nice to hear adults talking to young men and women about what they’re seeing being entertainment and not based in reality. They reported many young girls being…
I had to stop reading about halfway through. This is why I don’t date anymore. Most men think this is what sex is. This isn’t sex. This is snuff.
I read an article once (unfortunately, I can’t remember the title or author now) that explained it well: A lot of guys who watch this kind of porn are angry that they can’t get “hot girls” to have sex with them. So watching violent porn fills two needs: the fantasy of having sex with an attractive woman and the…
This should be required reading in all high schools. Kids should know what they are watching. If you want to watch porn, fine, but know that not all porn is the same.
I always say that if a man consistently whines about “crazy” women he’s worked (or otherwise been in relationships) with, it’s because he drove them there. Failing that, he must have picked them for that particular trait. Because the common denominator in all the “craziness” is always HIM.
I’ve long had the impression that police departments are favorable to hiring former military, though I can’t find any figures to back that up. I also feel like military wanna-be’s often pursue law enforcement careers when they can’t get into the actual armed services. Not all police departments have psychological…