
The BCA will find that the cops did nothing wrong. They will be interviewed within 72 hours of killing someone - long enough to get their story straight - and asked leading questions that will lead them away from incriminating themselves. “Did you think she was armed?” “Did she fail to listen to your instructions?”

This isn’t really relevant but JESUS H. CHRIST OF NAZARETH she’s dead but you’re alive posting shit like this??!? Damn - talk about no justice, huh?

More Justine fun facts:
She referred to herself as “Juzzy Wuzzy” (her maiden name is/was Rusczyk) whenever she was talking about “woo woo” stuff.

To me that’s the most insane part. Like... the logistics of that shot are ridiculous; the cop came within inches of shooting his partner. I mean, it wasn’t even a shot through the window, it was a shot through the door.

Justine was a dear friend who was horrified about police violence and committed to making the world better in every way. She had just picked out her wedding dress last week and was so excited to show me. She was texting me trying to get me to go to “dance church” with her on sunday morning, but instead I went to a


Every other damned thing in the world is being digitized, why not electronic gun holsters? The strap doesn’t unlock unless the body cam is running.

Sickening. As a middle class straight white male I’m aware that I’m relatively protected/privileged (life on “easy mode” as scalzi would say - whatever.scalzi.com/2012/05/15/straight-white-male-the-lowest-difficulty-setting-there-is/amp/) and I still get nervous, if not frightened, when I see a police squad car

Oh, I agree. Whenever I am talking to other white people about Black Lives Matter, I always end with the following: the other reason it’s important is because it’s only a matter of time before they start shooting random white people, too.

I have an idea. Hear me out. What if we collectively, as a society, stop hiring stupid fucking cowards as cops?

There should be no conditional bullshit to turning on squad car or body cameras . When you are on patrol, they need to always fucking be on. This is just so fucking insane. 

If you are a skittish, nervous, risk-adverse person, do not become a police officer.

And we can all blame Spain for the very genesis of what we call systemic racism. No, but for real we can, based on their history of the reconquista.

It’s not that simple. You have to be able to suss out why people from other places find you “attractive”.

Excellent post! I did much better in England/Wales/Scotland than I ever did here in the US. I always chalked it up to my exotic American accent!

My rule is never to give a blowjob to anyone who hasn’t gone down on me first. This is manipulative AF, but I don’t care because it works. A study by Stanford found that oral sex, even in established relationships, can be as high as four to one in a man’s favour. There are plenty of men who expect oral sex as a

Being told he doesn’t go down is pretty much a deal breaker for me, and I’m not even a huge fan of oral.

I seriously need to buy a smaller vibrator that I can bring on dates.

I started at 11. You there are plenty of women that know their own body, but trying to get a partner to do what they want and keep doing it until they cum can be hard.

Vibrators. They just make everything better.