Guys who learn from porn are sadly common. Guys who refuse to relearn when you educate them on how unrealistic porn is are the WORST.
Guys who learn from porn are sadly common. Guys who refuse to relearn when you educate them on how unrealistic porn is are the WORST.
I know. 6 other commenters already pointed out that I had forgotten about that.
You killed me dead with that gif.
I would be lying if I said that I didn’t want to get all up in that second to last pic.
I’m gullible and not quite Internet savvy so I am truly and honestly asking: are these a joke? I’m confused. What do butts and lying face down have to do with the confederate flag?
Agreed. I hope they find out a gay man (me) is admiring them.
those are some pretty good butts tho
you are a very good person. as someone like your friend, thank you.
As a former Marine, I’ll have you know that’s called, “basic training.”
I am as enticed by the onion rings in this picture. Where do I have to go to find this magical land where people don’t fuck up onion rings by making them huge and thick so the entire fucking onion slimes out onto your face when you take one bite?
Gah. Accidentally replied to myself instead of Financialpanther, but I can’t delete it so here it is
Of course, he ALREADY has a story ready for his wife about “this crazy ex who won’t let go”.
And he does so publicly, leaving a record that his children will one day easily find.
She actually had a classy-as-fuck response on Twitter:
So my guess is she is holding him accountable to every last thing in the divorce/custody arrangement and he doesn’t like it? (My friend has an ex that likex to flex on their custody arrangement. judge says something between 4-6, he shows up at 6:10. He has already gone through 3 lawyers because dumbass is leaving a…
Nah, it’s because he’s a tiger blood drinking wizard and she’s not. Instead she’s a responsible adult looking after his kids. HERETIC!!!!!1111!111!111!!
Charlie Sheen. Always #whining
I’m almost impressed by how old-school crazy he went. “Heretic”? Nice. Wonder if it was because of her exposed ankles or did she dare question him on something?
In certain cases, an insult from someone is more valuable than a compliment.