
I know that monologue all too well. Like, the dude was ugly as fuck (inside and out) and somehow I should be grateful because he “could get better looking girls than me” (at the time I would’ve described my looks as “slightly below average” and his as “waaaay below average”, and now I’m not as insecure as I was back

Is that you Sean Penn? We rest our case!

Penn has a history of abusing women and Charlize Theron grew up in an abusive home. She saw her mom kill her dad in self-defense. I have to think on some level she was doing that thing that a lot of trauma survivors (including myself) do where we subconsciously choose partners that will allow us to relive the trauma

I'd say so - if I "ghost" someone, it's because of their tendency to be abusive and nasty. If I cut you off with no further contact, chances are you KNOW why (or you're an idiot).

And here’s another from me. Received last week. Citation needed.

We could start a Pissing Contest alone on the fucked up effects of “daughter labeling”.

Glad he’s your ex!

I’ll give you a story (but I’m a guy.) My husband once said to me, “You clean up nice. I wish you could look more like this all the time.”

Next time he says that, say: “And the first thing she noticed was your insecurity.” Then nod and look at his dick.

Fucking Keith, man.

Ugh. Keith.

“I could call you gorgeous, but your forehead is a little too big for me, so I can only call you beautiful.”

Well, I know why your friend was single.

Well I appreciate it.

When I was 15 my boyfriend made the comment that I was in really good shape (athlete) but that I have the body type to put on weight easily and I should watch that. Then he’d talk about the future at odd times like what he looked for in a wife (again, we were 15) and I would just laugh it off. Didn’t last very long.

*Opened up to someone about surviving abuse and homelessness as a child*

But, America kinda sucks tho....

I shall counter with, “Too bad you’re not shorter.”

I don’t know if this counts, but one of my best friends is married to a total ass. A real loser. But I love her, so I deal.

You know what would make me forgive GQ for this? If they shot an identical version with Taylor Kitsch straddling Colin Ferrell.