So amazing to hear about trans issues from someone who has lived it. Thank you for the education. Do more of this, Jezebel.
So amazing to hear about trans issues from someone who has lived it. Thank you for the education. Do more of this, Jezebel.
That is a great fuckinh tumblr.
Dear Powers that Be at Jezebel:
One time I walked all the way into something dark and sharp and stubbed my toe. It hurt but my cat laughed and laughed and the dishwasher started and then I spun into a television with Oprah eating a banana Popsicle. That was a good, good day.
When i was a small boy there was a man in my village that would sell hats. He would walk through town shouting "hats! Hats!" With all his hats stacked on his head. One day he decided to take a nap under a tree and awoke to find all of his hats stolen by monkeys! He shouted at them to give him back his hats and they…
I like to eat ice cream with a fork whilst riding my farm animals on the roof of the drawbridge. I once ate a boat and burped up an anchor but no one believes me. Something about that dinghy helps me sleep at night under red maples and Sam Adams flowers.
Sorry you're right that was poor wording — by "fully blame the victim" I didn't mean fully as in laying the entire blame upon her/him, I meant that you were indisputably putting some of the blame at her feet (in your original comment I thought you had just misspoken). I should have said "no question blaming the…
ugh man I just partially agreed with your above statement and then you had to go and ruin it by being awful and fully blaming the victim. Now I feel stupid and you are about to (rightfully) get attacked for being an ass. Say it isn't so
I completely disagree, Dodai.
This is a really nuanced, well done piece. I'm glad you limited your attacks to the people making misogynistic comments, while separating it from the concept. It's okay for women to cook, as long as it's not expected because she's a woman! It's okay for women to take their husband's last name, as long as it's not…
MY excuse?
We have teens in the neighborhood that stand in driveways all the fucking time or sit in other people yards and text/talk/throw trash/scream for no reason. My favorite thing to do? Stand in the sun room (that over looks our driveway) and hit the car alarm when they get too close to the car. The freak out and scattered…
When the PhBoys/Girl become rich and famous (the older one is going to break Mariano Rivera's save record; the younger is going to be such a good dancer that people will be like "Frank Who? Who Jackson? Justin Timberwho?"; I'm not sure what PhDaughter will be, but it will be EPIC), I'm going to leak stories about them…
Hopefully No Major Drama Goes Down at the Miss World Pageant
Alright, entitled, middle-class white males, this lady is going to give you a lesson in terminology and reality.
Wow, guys. The Jersey jokes are hilarious. I'm blown away by your cleverness and have totally never heard any of them before, particularly in a time of compounded crisis.
Quick! Someone make a joke about Axe Body Spray near a lit cigarette! Because it's not like these are actual people who just lost their businesses/homes less than a year ago! They are MTV caricatures, the lot of them! And if you have extra time, be sure to throw in a zinger about Chris Christie mourning the ice cream…