
criticisms, after all, not everyone has taken a course on gender and media. This is what creates this whole debacle where people point out that in the context of the game an example she uses makes sense, but she is not talking about that.

It's just that most of the rebuttals

Gamers: "We want games to be considered Art!"

Her arguments and conclusions are actually quite excellent. Excellent enough to get over 300 game developers to sign on in agreement.

hear hear

This is how I play too. It KILLS me to leave a locked door or chest behind.

the original tie-figther didn't come on disk but 5 floppydisk those were the days :D

LOL. When I saw the "Indie Game is Sausagefest" I was like, um, rather than what other game now? (I say this as a woman.)

Xwing alliance was great and could been made better with expansions, but no after alliance Lucasarts descended into prequel lamesness

Seriously though, getting them to work was such a pain in the ass. Never could get them 100% right too. I'm so excited for this, the only thing that could be better is a proper sequel or remake.

I read this as "didn't work so well" and got worried for a second.

All I hear is, "I don't want to play any character that doesn't appeal to ME, so other people need to STFU."

Nobody cares what you want to play as. Your demographic is, I assume, pretty fairly represented. Other people would like to see improvement in that area, and there ARE developers out there who are trying to do

Except Occupy started as a protest against the banks. Gamergate started as part of a bunch of people witchunting a woman after her ex posted a bunch of information about her. The first use of the tag came when Adam Baldwin tweeted it along with Quinnspiracy videos. We addressed the accusations against us, Stephen sat

Nobody is stating that YOU'RE that bad. What everyone keeps trying to point out is that this whole thing started out with the harassment of these women, and if everyone keeps rallying under that name, the movement will be forever linked to that.

It's kinda similar to all the "We're not misogynists you stupid cunt!" tweets and all their variations sent at women critical of the whole thing.

Some of these dudes complain about misrepresentation and (quite literally) in the same sentence embody that very stereotype they're complaining about being lumped into. I

I've been saying this for a while now.

I grew up in a time when being a "gamer" was cause for ridicule. Shit, admitting to owning a Nintendo in the mid-80's was a good way to get your ass kicked at my school (not at all schools, I understand).

Now that gaming's finally mainstreamed, and the hobby has -finally- gained

I support GamerGate, but I think this is a great point. It is unfortunate that many of our number do not have the wisdom to understand that these campaigns are the embodiment of what we are fighting AGAINST. We don't want journalists to act biased on behalf of patrons and advertisers, oh except if the advertisers

It's not Gamasutra's fault you completely misread Leigh Alexander's article.

Gamergaters I've talked to or whose online posts, Tweets and videos I've consumed still believe that they can sort this out and claim Gamergate as an effective watchdog movement for policing games reporting.