Frank Wildhorn is no stranger to dark fare, too. I'm cautiously optimistic about this.
Frank Wildhorn is no stranger to dark fare, too. I'm cautiously optimistic about this.
Also for Wing Commander 3 and 4, don't forget John Rhys Davies and Tom Wilson.
I still have The Daedelus Encounter on CD, with it's softcase and manual and everything. I recently was able to get it to play again, and found myself amazed at some of the things they were able to do. For an FMV game, it had pretty impressive acting, including the fact that many parts of it were one big, long take.…
It took me a few playthroughs to realize you weren't supposed to just kill Vulpes Inculta when you first meet him in Nipton. That fight, at least for me, is probably one of the most satisfying in video gaming.
I could chill with you
Props for the Lord Humongous reference.
That's not true.
Bloodrayne was intended to be the sequel, but she became her own character instead of Svetlana. There's still a lot of universe crossover, artifacts and what not.
The sad thing is...we almost did. A fan site for Nocturne sprung up after the official forums closed down, and some of the ex-TR guys who worked on Nocturne (one of them went to 3D Realms, if memory serves) provided one of the forum members with a rough outline of what they had planned for a sequel. He wrote some…
Now there's a game i just could never get good at for some reason. still have it actually, and should really bring it up at the next retro game night i do.
The only way I'm cool with the player-character saying those words is if Ron Perlman voices the whole role.
Or "desire to eat ice cream". It might not be money he is going after, but a sorbet or something! We can only hope.
Agreed. And I'd add Hitman: Absolution to that list of games rebooted amazingly by Square Enix recently.
As for the stories of internal turnover, they basically exactly mirror those of BioShock Infnite... A phenomenal game.
2007 had Super Mario Galaxy, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and one more that's escaping me.
Yeah, it's not like two brand new consoles launched this year with full launch lineups, and we saw amazing triple A games like The Last of Us, Bioshock Infinite, and Super Mario 3D World come out.
Hah, that's what I first thought. "Finally, we're using drones for something other than taking out first responders in Pakistan."
This times forever. Thank you!
Believe it or not, I beat the game on Old-School mode barely getting into cover, so I can't really argue.
I got a RROD long ago and Microsoft sent my console back with a card good for an extra month of XBL Gold.