I remember that - and I agreed with you, but they were slaughtering you so I didn't bother replying to you. Solidarity fail!
You're way too intelligent for this one. If you get Rush Limbaugh to read your comment to him/her it might sink in, but it won't work coming from you.
It's also a rather effective way to say, "You find this offensive, and that in itself is offensive to me, so I'm going to try and shut you up by calling you names."
Truthy ass truth right there
When they came for the kimonos, I said nothing because I wasn't a kimono.
Yikes. That sounds like that would be hard to watch. Like, I think I'd rather watch a train wreck than that.
I would love to have been there to witness that :D
Galaxy 2 was an entirely different game once you got to the Green Star Hunt. Those devilish bastards could test every ounce of patience and reflex that you had.
Also, HD changed the entire TV make-up industry; can you imagine what they'd have to do for 4K—blackhead removal algorithms.
It'll depend on how how severe the affected rate is for the XboxOne, and with MS history, it tends to be higher than Sony's.
It's funny because NFS and Forza are both launch titles and are running 1080p
Kinja strikes again!
I totally agree. My pc and 3ds can tide me over until bug fixes/price drops/redesigns. Honestly, if the Wii U can produce a few more quality first party like Mario 3D, it may end up being my first "next gen" console. Never thought I'd say that haha.
LOL we had to learn 20 kanji a week in the first year, some in the second year, but in the third year we didn´t have to learn any. It wasn´t too difficult a study, but we only learned about 1100 of them XD And then off course I took economy, law, linguistics, and classical Japanese and some other "more hard knowledge"…
I'd settle for a friend with a One to play it with. :P
I hear what you're saying, and I sort of feel the same way, and here's why. I feel like in the past, each console iteration of Mario felt like an evolution. While they were all great games, each new one innovated and brought us something new. World on the SNES pushed the envelope. Then 64 pushed it. Then…
Don't you go bashing my Mario Sunshine. I'll stand up for that game to anyone. It was a blast to play (no pun intended).
I'm so glad to find someone else who feels the same! Galaxy 2 was good but also a step back from Galaxy 1. I just want a game like Mario 64, the DS version even expanded beautifully on that feeling!