
yeah read that and was like "oh boy...."

At least one instance of 'Death's chains rattling' soundeffect, just to get the P3 players' pulses racing!

"Political agenda" is usually doublespeak for "viewpoint I don't agree with."

the terrific Macross Plus (as main star Isamu Dyson,

Ooh, you mentioning Troika reminded me of the Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines game which had so much replay value depending on the character and path you chose. (I especially liked playing as a Malkavian and seeing all the 'crazy' dialogue options!)
And I recently watched a Youtube playing of Fahrenheit/Indigo

I completely agree. Naughty Dog's Uncharted series is pretty great! But when you take away what little bits of cinematic you have (Of Drake being a witty old coot), the impressions I'm stuck with is hours upon hours of tapping my analog to the right as he dangles from a ledge and slowly makes his way across.

But for

"Animate me like one of your French girls..."

Guys, listen to me very carefully. If I where in front of you, I would gently cradle that delecate head of yours and hold you close so that you can never loose eye contact with me and could read my lips in case any of these sounds I'm making go in one ear and out the other. Are you ready? Paying attention? okay,

Indeed. Child custody, male on male and female on male rape, domestic abuse and violence against men. They're serious issues, and even in prime time media they're often made light of, especially the old favourite of prison rape jokes.

Lol we're on the same page except I'm at a point where I don't like physical any more. It takes up too much room. The I'd thing about the uk is that they could have released a digital copy of hakuouki here ages ago but instead they're actually giving us a physical 3ds copy. Can't figure out if they finally realized

I thought Sinister was a lot of fun and full of creepiness! Got to love those 8mm home videos... They also did a great job in making the story play out like a crime investigation story, really kept you engaged.

My biggest complaint was that you saw way too much of the monster. That and he looked like the lead singer

Prepare yourself for beautifuly shot films with nonsensical scripts. I find that giallo succeeds almost entirely on visual merit, with dialogue and plot points being an almost background focus.

Oh, they did..

Yep, I'll buy it regardless because I need my Ace Attorney fix. I've waited far too long. lol.

But there are only Male and Female11111111 Science sez so111111

Once I hear that binary fallacy shit, I tend to stop giving the person I'm arguing with any credence.

Not entirely. People with androgen insensitivity syndrome present as women (breasts, vaginas etc) but are actually XY. They also have undecended testes. Their bodies just don't process male hormones so they're 100% female in presentation. They actually tend to be stereotypically 'hot' women.

Thank you seriously wtf is wrong with people... 20% of colored trans women are murdered going outside is a nightmare for me . but gid forbid u have to go through airport sercuity

You ever had your chromosomes tested? How do you know whether you're male or female?

A well-adjusted (and incredibly successful) trans person you say?