
Sorry, no, I'm not going to ditch the term "feminist" just because some people have a problem with it. The fact that North America is "one of the best places in the world to be a woman" is not relevant to the conversation. It's also one of the best places in the world to be a trans person, but guess what? It's still pr

Eh, the VR layer/"game within a game" thing has always been one of my favorite parts about the series. I mean, yes, the whole "Ones Who Came Before" thing is extremely silly, but the series is deliberately steeped in that kind of crazy, utterly nonsensical conspiracy theory secret history stuff. Removing it would be

Also coming this Thursday: "This War of Mine", an intriguing indie title that focuses on war from a much different perspective than we usually see: that of the civilians caught in the crossfire.

As with any unreleased game, of course, it could be great or...not, but they deserve credit for tackling a largely unexplored

However, it is possible that down the line Capcom will start selling item packs or rare resources for money. While they've made no indication that this is that case, if it ever happens, seriously, I am through with this series.

I have no interest in continuing this conversation with you.

I disagreed with her criticism of this scene and you claimed that was me not being able to "take criticism".

I'd say Thunderf00t qualifies, with his virulently anti-feminist stance and tendency to argue almost entirely against straw men when dealing with social issues.

The guy might be a good scientist, but he's utter shit as a humanities academic.

And again, if you linked to Stormfront, would I be obligated to read it?

Anita presents unproven, biased opinion as fact

I thought you were the one doing the master's thesis? You can't come up with a feasible way to create a double-blind study to derive the gleaned meaning from a series of actions?

Now I know for sure you're just a troll.

Maybe both you and she have missed that critical analysis is entirely subjective and, as I said, will be greatly influenced by one's personal views and agenda.

You're missing my point. No one has to accept criticism they think is unfair or off-target.

It's funny that you actually expect anyone to take you seriously.

I see no reason to be civil with anyone who thinks it's okay to extrapolate absolute nonsense from my hobby and use it to demonize me.

Now playing

Sorry, not to belabor the point, but I realized I'd totally forgotten something RE: the Ebert example -

Here's Siskel and Ebert doing the same thing as Anita, only significantly harsher and over 30 years ago.

Thunderf00t's critiques of Anita's videos are not "academic" in any sense of the word. His arguments would be laughed out of a first-year lit crit class.

The fact that you're linking to these things honestly makes me doubt whether you're arguing in good faith, because the arguments presented in thunderf00t's videos

How...how can you not see the immense irony in that?

Strippers in GTAV double as the only sexual encounters you can have, hence me referring to the NPC type stripper.

How wonderfully arrogant. The purpose of criticism is to convince people of your viewpoint. If you think they are taking your argument the "wrong" way then maybe you didn't do a very good job presenting it.