
Oh, Christ, the Auerbach article. That disingenuous, golden mean-laden load of horseshit. It's not even accurate, as more sites than just The Escapist posted ethics policies, and the lack of backlash had very little to do with the policies posted by The Escapist and more to do with the fact that:

A: They continued to

I am STILL upset, after all these years, that we never got the planned third game in the series. I was looking forward to bringing down the stupid WEC once and for all, damnit.

Still, I'll never forget good old Weasel and his bizarre speech patterns.

There really needs to be an edit of "No Russian" with that at the very end.

Except a number of sites have ALREADY presented "revised ethics policies", and GG doesn't seem to care.

Also, I think attributing a single motive to the "consumer revolt" is silly, since that's clearly not the case. A lot of people genuinely are upset that game outlets seem to be writing about things they don't care

You're not engaging with the actual argument I'm making.

I recognize that it's a "legitimate consumer activist method".

It is, however, one that is at odds with GG's stated goals of promoting "ethics in games journalism".

In a healthy journalistic ecosystem, there is a strict separation between editorial and advertising.

Heh, yeah, I know there are minor exceptions. As a whole, though, the series is...well...

(I mean, it mostly makes sense, but still.)

"bizarre, unpleasant world without women"

Sooo...Call of Duty?

...I'll see myself out.

How many other games will interrupt the Nazi killing to drop a lengthy discussion of continuity of consciousness on you?

Man, I love the Starbreeze (well, ex-Starbreeze) guys.

That game is so much better than it has any right to be. It's obviously the ex-Starbreeze legacy at work; if I had to compare it to another game, oddly enough my first thought would be "The Darkness" (or maybe "Escape from Butcher Bay").

How many games can you name where, in the middle of a story about killing Nazis,

I'm not entirely sure what point you're trying to make. People boycotted Glenn Beck's advertisers, so it's okay to do the same in order to try to influence the editorial output of a journalistic outlet (while crusading for "journalistic ethics")? Or is there some other angle here I'm missing?

I still have all the original discs and pack-in materials lying around my house. Seriously, though, an updated, current-gen take on those games needs to happen.

Hopefully, they'll get around to bringing over X-Wing Alliance, too. Sure, it wasn't quite as good as X-Wing or TIE Fighter, but it had its moments.

Enlightening. Well, okay, then.

You know...your argument seemed almost reasonable until the "fake feminists" bit. Then you lost me.

And no, Anita doesn't claim that "misogyny is the spirit of the entire industry". That's a bizarre, baseless claim you're making.

Just like how Papa John's is under no obligation to share its profits with its employees no matter how much the corporation makes a year, right? Great business.

If you really think those situations are comparable, I don't know what to tell you.

Again, I ask: did you donate? If not, why should anyone care what you have

It does matter. The money is supposed to go toward the project, not the person's wallet. If someone gets more than they were expecting, they usually increase the scale or have broader goals should the original be met.

They sometimes have stretch goals, yes. Those are not required by Kickstarter. They're just something

If she asked for only $6,000 then what else is she doing with the money? If she isn't going to increase the scale, what is she doing with the money? If she isn't going to donate it, what is she doing with the money? She is using it for herself. Imagine one of the scientists researching climate change took a vacation

I think anyone who uses the term "SJW" unironically is...well...let's say "misinformed".

I have a sense of humor, thanks. I just don't find certain things particularly funny.

It's possible that the people who are laughing at all the blatant racism, homophobia, etc. just have a shitty sense of humor.

"She is a critic of neo-feminism, new-age feminism, 3rd wave feminism, whatever you want to call it. The people who want you to "check your privilege" and hate men for being men. "

So in other words, she's basically a critic of straw men.

She's a lot more than that, though; she's basically the one black guy Fox News

Uh, Christina Hoff Sommers is a "conservative critic". It's possible to be a conservative and still self-identify as a Democrat for whatever reason.

Sommers most certainly is conservative in a number of areas, particularly when it comes to feminism. She has essentially made a career out of attacking feminism while

Well, you did a pretty excellent job of proving the underlying point, so...congrats?

Also, you might want to give that straw man a break. He looks like he's had enough.