
Huh, that's interesting. I'd go totally different:

1: Fallout 1
2: Fallout: New Vegas
3: Fallout 2
4: Fallout 3

Fallout 1 is the "purest" of the games, I think. Parts of it haven't aged well, but 2 has that problem also, and 1 doesn't have the weird jarring excess of "humor" (note the scare quotes) that 2 does.

I rank 3 so

I haven't done any movie or game work as of yet, just some really minor stuff for, like, The History Channel at one point. I'd like to get a shot at doing game industry work, but...well, we'll see how that goes.

Anyway, take care.


Tell me, have you ever been physically abused and humiliated as a child by one of your peers?

I...think you might have accidentally replied to the wrong person, as I was making a point pretty similar to the one you're making (that using ad revenue as a bludgeon to influence editorial is a terrible idea).

I disagree with you. Nerds are absolutely persecuted on many fronts and you'd realize that if you were ever on the receiving end of it. You just seem to buy into the idea that they are acceptable targets, possibly because they eventually outgrow the bullying phase, but those sentiments stay with them for life.

Ok. So a guy says, I want a game where I can be a gay commander in space, and point out Mass Effect as an example of a game where you can do that, and if I so choose, I can pick out other examples of positive games as well. I don't know how many I'd have to pick to satisfy you, many the same number Anita does?

Starting off with insults: always a great sign of rational discussion.

(Also, "White knight" and "feminazi". Toss in a "blue pill" and we've got the shitty internet attitudes trifecta.)

How did the media "shut down your ability to communicate"? You're doing it right now! People are doing it on reddit, and 8chan, and all sorts of other places. No one OWES you the ability to spout whatever you want in their private forums.

You know, I'm not going to defend the Sam Biddle stuff (which was ill-advised), though I'd say the reaction is still MASSIVELY disproportionate. As much as people might like to believe otherwise, "gamers" or "nerds" are not some subaltern group, a put-upon minority barely eking out a living in the fringes of society.

"If you have a problem with pick out specific games to prove a point, then you'd have to have a problem with Anita's videos since that's basically what she does, with the added failures of not understanding the game she is playing and misrepresenting characters and stories from those games, so it works even less

Having physical disabilities does not mean people aren't allowed to call you an asshole. Being gay, black, trans, female, whatever does not mean that people aren't allowed to call you an asshole.

In discussing his behavior (as the founder of 8chan), all that's relevant is...well, his behavior. His physical status is

"By the way, try playing Mass Effect series. You can be a lesbian alien killing female in that if you want."

Because surely, that one example somehow proves...something?

Gaming culture has issues. Whether you choose to acknowledge that or not is up to you, but the stereotype of the asshole on Xbox Live didn't just

There's a reason I didn't mention "freedom of speech"; it's simply not relevant to this discussion.

I like how your campaign for "journalistic ethics" has taken to targeting advertisers, given that advertiser influence over editorial decisions is the polar opposite of "journalistic ethics".

I really don't understand the end-game here. You silence every media outlet that doesn't agree with you? You make it so that

It's nice to see so many games journalism outlets taking a stand on this. What's going on is utterly unacceptable, and if this is what the industry is going to be from now on, then everyone loses (except for a handful of demagogues cynically exploiting the reactionary anger for their own purposes).

I'm disappointed


I really don't even know why I'm getting into this, but...

The journalist she slept with mentioned her game once, in passing, before their sexual relationship even began.

There is no evidence of her using "connections" to promote her game, at least beyond the scope of what literally ever indie and corporate

However, it is possible to get FRIGHTENINGLY good at figuring out which figures are which based solely on feel. I've gone 32 for 32 (picking up two full sets) in one run with no duplicates.

Granted, this requires that you
A: Stand in a store fondling plastic packages like a crazy person

Hear, hear. Even with all of its (many) problems, I feel like that game gets a bad rap. It did something that few other RPGs (or, hell, many games in general) are willing to do with its story: tell a smaller, more personal story against the background of big events, in which you ultimately don't get to play the big

I said your summary was dishonest, not that you were. Again, there is a significant difference.