
Ah, okay, I understand.

Yeah, I realize you can't be legally required to join a union (though you can be required to pay dues). In some states/industries, though, there exists a situation where union membership is a de facto requirement simply because no one (or at least, no one above a certain level) will hire

For...which part?

If it's the latter, I'll give an example. In California, most entertainment industry jobs you'll run into (beyond indies) are union jobs. They run on a closed-shop basis, so the production companies simply will not hire non-union employees.

Yeah, I'm sure the financial hit isn't easy.

I don't actually know where Wintory is located, though the statement posted would seem to imply LA. California, so far as I'm aware, generally tends towards requiring (or, rather, all but requiring) union membership in certain business sectors, particularly anything

Some states in the U.S. essentially require that you be part of the union in your given field in order to work. In certain other industries, it is effectively impossible to work (beyond a certain fairly low level) unless you are part of a union.

That's...not actually true!

If you don't think there are still issues with employers exploiting employees, well...I don't even really know what to tell you.

Don't you know? Mickey Mouse is -everywhere-.

More seriously, I just wanted to get in a dig on some of Itagaki's, ah...common excesses.

Itagaki on the WiiU?

It has definitely moved into "I'll believe it when I see it" territory, as far as I'm concerned.

It would have been a major coup for Sony to show something, -anything-, from the game last night. The fact that they didn't is, I think, fairly telling.

It is! I was pleased when "True Detective" ended up introducing the whole thing to a bunch of new people.

That seems plausible, but it's still a shame. They didn't make Ezio sound like a BBC news presenter, after all.

Game set in Chicago: One of the main characters has a French accent
Game set in the French Revolution: Everyone sounds like cast members on a BBC3 show.

If only next-gen consoles were capable of properly rendering French accents at 1080p 60 FPS. It appears Ubisoft has downscaled to "BBC3 miniseries".

I'm not even going to respond to the stuff about my comment about responding to my comment a year later, because...well, whatever. You seem a lot more invested in it than I am, so, sure, you win.

As for the rest: the game provides three endings (and the one that requires the highest EMS is actually not "destroy"), so

I'd also include a strong stealth element, but yeah, I'm kind of surprised we haven't gotten that already.

I've always thought that a war correspondant game, combining stealth and Dead Rising/Fatal Frame/Pokemon Snap-esque photo mechanics would be a good way to handle this kind of thing.

Credit where credit is due: the interface looks 1000% better than it used to.

One of my favorite emergent moments so far:

Soldier A: "Do you have a girl back home?"
Soldier B: "Natural-AUUUGHGH!"

And then a giant ant ate him.

You never, EVER talk about your loved ones waiting for you back home! It's like saying how you only have two days left until retirement.

They're very much the B movies of video games. They're big and dumb and often kind of cheap looking, but that's all part of the charm.

If I have one complaint, it's that I wish the American release had an option for the original Japanese voice track. I feel like that'd help sell the "overly-sincere giant monster movie"

What's frustrating is how the ones that aren't destructible always happen to be the exact ones blocking your view of the giant spider who's shooting grabby-webs at you.

In EDF, however, you have to refer to giant spiders as "Retiarius", because O'Hara is kind of a jackass.