Yep, which is part of my point: the person in question was telling the guy what "Native American" culture was actually all about.
It was...yeah.
Yep, which is part of my point: the person in question was telling the guy what "Native American" culture was actually all about.
It was...yeah.
I'm pretty sure almost no on self-identifies as "PC". They'd almost certainly use some other term.
But that's my point. No one invokes "political correctness" except for people who are decrying "political correctness". Practically no one ever says "You should be more politically correct".
I'm still not seeing what kind of "excessive PC check" you're talking about. Maybe examples would help? Because...yeah, I'm…
You're telling me that people you know, honest-to-god, use political correctness as an aspirational term? Like, "you should be more politically correct"?
I would never use the term unironically, because not only is it incredibly stupid, but it's pretty much solidly in the pejorative category. It's freighted with…
Hm, it's possible we're talking past each other somewhat.
In my experience, when people complain about "political correctness", a lot of the time they're talking about exactly the sort of shunning you suggest. As in, they say something stupid, and they suffer social consequences as a result. Then they complain they're…
But there's nothing about what we're discussing that's inherently fascist. It's just a boogeyman meant to rabble-rouse and shame people into silence. No one wants to be accused of being a fascist, right?
Seriously, I have yet to hear a compelling argument for a connection between any of this and fascism beyond some…
No, what I'm saying is that the term political correctness is only ever used as a pejorative. That, in turn, reflects the user's attitude towards the very idea.
I mean, not that it's the most flawless source, but just look at the wikipedia article on the subject.
How is entertainment media "shackled"? This is the kind…
I stand by my 99% figure.
You say it's "not always a positive thing". Well, yes, and that's the point; no one EVER refers to political correctness as a "positive thing". Even people who you'd ACCUSE of "political correctness" never say they're being "politically correct". It's a straw man. It is a pejorative used…
I still don't think that's fascism, though. Hell, while we're quoting people on the subject, let's turn to that good old standby, George Orwell. He knew a thing or two about fascism, right?
"George Orwell wrote in 1944 that "the word 'Fascism' is almost entirely meaningless ... almost any English person would accept…
Yeah, but there's a whole lot more to "fascism" than the racial angle. Again, I ask: was Jim Crow "fascism"? I mean, that had a lot to do with race, too, and that even involved using the force of law rather than just social pressure.
Right, but that's still a pretty huge leap. It has more than a hint of "Here's this thing I disagree with, therefore fascism!" to it.
Which "fascistic attitudes", exactly? I'm serious. People tend to use "fascism" as synonymous for "thing I think is bad", but...I'm not seeing any of the hallmarks here (at least none that wouldn't theoretically apply to other authoritarian systems of government).
I mean, yes, the tumblr crowd can go overboard,…
Sorry, but the trends you're relating have very little to do with the actual definition of fascism, unless fascism is just being used in place of "thing I dislike".
Now, if you wanted to use the term "censorship" or something, well, I'd disagree with you, but at least that'd be closer to the mark. I mean...the kind of…
I have a really hard time taking anyone who uses the term "PC" unironically seriously.
It...kinda does?
I mean, if your threshold for "fascism" is that some people might be overly quick to accuse others of racism, then...well, break out the jackboots, I guess. I think that does a huge disservice to the people who actually had to live under fascism, though.
Of course, the appropriate response from Perry is that she's really into "Asian fusion" lately.
Appropriation can get pretty ugly. I've actually seen, honest to god, the most lily white people in the world trying to tell Native Americans what Native American culture is really all about. It was...yeah. Pretty impressive.
Now, this isn't even in the same ZIP CODE as that kind of stuff, admittedly.
"Hatred" isn't necessarily part of the equation.
If I do a blackface routine, it kind of doesn't matter what my opinion about black people is; the ACT is still pretty damn racist.
(Which doesn't mean this performance necessarily is or isn't.)
Man, I think the complaints are a bit exaggerated, but I think dropping "fascism" into the discussion is a huge overstatement.