
At this point, I'm pretty sure you're less likely to be trampled at the Running of the Bulls then you are at a Walmart Black Friday.

"This time around all I'm saying is I think it would be unrealistic to expect 100% of consoles shipped to be working perfectly. There are just too many variables."

Oh, for what it's worth, I agree completely. I doubt any piece of moderately-sophisticated electronic equipment has ever been manufactured with a 0% failure

And that's good (and more like what I'd hope for, honestly). It was written after the article we were responding to, though.

That aside, I'm glad to see both companies take a moment out of the standard "tear each other down" strategy to behave with some class.

It's actually a pretty standard customer service practice in a number of industries, but okay. Hell, even Microsoft has done it.

Hey, I can do both! I'm a multi-tasker.

Well, I don't know what to tell you, then.

Some of them, sure, and for those people, I appreciate their consistency.

Some of the people defending the blue light thing, though, were undoubtedly doing it because they had to defend "their side" in the Great Console Wars.

(And like you, I'm baffled by people feeling like they have to pick sides and hate the "other

What I'm looking forward to is seeing how many people who dismissed the blue light stuff with the "standard failure rate" explanation (which, to be fair, isn't unreasonable) come in here to declare this a disaster and the doom of the Xbox One.

No, I think I understand, but my point is: trans people often don't get to "choose" to identify that way. Society makes that choice for them.

And even if that weren't true, there are other reasons to choose to identify that way; namely, the shared difficulties/struggles I alluded to before.

(but for what it's worth, I

"The problem I see is when you choose to identify like that, that is all you become."

And the problem is that you're assuming trans people get much choice in the matter. You also seem to be underestimating how serious a thing being trans is for people.

It's not a whim; it's not something people wake up with one day and

Damnit, Itagaki, just use FedEx like everyone else.

(Alternate smart-ass comment: "This viral marketing for the Yakuza series is really getting out of hand.")

All sources I can find say that Need for Speed is running at native 1080p on the Xbox One.

As for AC4, it's noteworthy that the PS4 version also ran at 900p out of the box, requiring a patch to bump it up to 1080 after release.

I haven't seen the Digital Foundry analysis (because, frankly, I find this sort of launch

All of them? Really? AC4? NFS?

I mean, I know about Battlefield and CoD, but I haven't heard anything about the other multiplatform releases.

And no, launch titles really don't mean much of anything. At that point, people have had very little time with the software/proprietary APIs/system resource distribution. And

How do you figure? If you're the one with something to prove, it seems like you'd be MORE likely to go after your opponent tooth-and-nail. If you're in the superior position, your product should be able to do the talking for you.

That doesn't sound particularly conspiracy-minded. It's just good PR. If your competition is being attacked for X, you try to do the opposite.

It just so happens that in this case, the opposite was "behaving with a modicum of class", so everyone wins.

(Which isn't to imply that I think the expressions of

But so far as I remember, Microsoft's corporate account -also- didn't go out of its way to bash the PS4, either.

I mean, no, it's not a big deal. It's just a bit eyeroll-worthy.

Oh, sure. And to their credit, they apparently pulled it. It's not like this is the scandal of the century or anything. It's just worthy of a bit an eye roll.

I know, right? And some of the PS4 games that are running at 1080p experience intermittent frame rate issues.

Or in other words, "launch-window console war talking points are essentially meaningless".

By "so many", you mean...two? I'm not aware of any major differences in AC4 or NFS, though I might have just missed those.